1. Lotto
No winner of the lotto tonight. Still very poor support from sections, 100 approx players. The Lotto is a facility to assist sections in raising funds to offset against their facility fees. Notices will be posted in the bar to show progress to date. Bowling, Cricket, Rugby are the big winners to date in relation to reducing their facility fee.
There are also €2 envelopes for one off entries. Encourage visitors to play.
Get your friends involved, colleauges etc.
Attendance prize tonight was Nuala Whitney.
2. Membership
Outstanding membership due. Parking permits 2010 are now invalid so if you haven’t paid you will be clamped. Its your responsibility to ensure you have paid your membership and that you have recieved your 2011 permit. Caroline is available during the day to facilitate payment of outstanding fees.
An online facility will be in operation in the next week through the CYM website.
3. Cricket Table Quiz
Cricket table quiz on Friday 18th – 20.00 start in the mainbar.
Tables of 5 cost €50 (€10 per head). This is traditionally a good night and should not be missed.
4. Notice of motions and incomming executive
A notice has been posted to the notice board. Nominations and motions need to be recieved by the Hon. Decretary by the 15th February.
5. AGM will be on the Friday 11th March
Tell your friends about the newsletter and texts, if they are not getting them sned an email to cymsports@eircom.net