
Kickham news

November 7, 2018

Lotto results 20th Sept
Jackpot 11,000
no’s drawn 1,4,11,17
no winner
2nd chance 1,000
no’s drawn 10,07,28,29
no winner
next weeks Jackpot 11,200
Draw in Bertie’s Bar
Lucky Dips
3 x 50 euro
Mairead Carr, Clonmel
John & Josephine Duggan, Donaskeigh
Kathleen Haran, c/o M Hayes
10 x 20 euro
Tadhg Ryan, Bishopswood
Hannah Jones, c/o J Farrell
Michael Murphy, Newport
Eddie Kelly, c/o Laceys
B Walters, Clonkelly
Paddy Kelly, Ballintemple
Tony & Darragh Lacey, Ballydine
Mary & Jim Keane, Clonaspoe
Pat Kiely, Gurteenamoe
Lal Slattery, Gurtussa
Seller: Leo Carr
Senior Hurling Co Championship Kickhams V Borrisoleigh Thur Sept 23rd Sept at 6.30pm
Congratulations to Derek Breen and his wife Marian who got married on Saturday last.
75th Anniversary Cycle
 This year the club celebrates its 75th anniversary and a 75 kilometre cycle has been organised for the 25th September – Training is in progress for our cyclist, thirty club members and a futher ten to fifteen guests will take part on the day. It’s not too late yet, if you want to get on your bike contact Paddy Fitzgerald (087 9370958) to take part or sponsor a cyclist.
Check out our website we are also on facebook ‘Kickham Gaa’ Also Parish website is Keep up to date with all the happenings. Make sure to tell anyone who may be living away from the area and would like to keep in touch with where they came from, log in for all the news…
Vodafone ‘Support your club programme’.
Its common knowledge that the club that works together wins together and Vodafone have come on board to support GAA clubs with this novel programme. It’s the easiest way for you to support your club at absolutely no extra cost to you. All Vodafone customers can sign up to this scheme and Vodafone will donate 5% of your pay monthly or top up bill to the Kickham club who are a recognised club on their web page. If you are not a customer and you wish to make the switch to Vodafone it will mean even more money for the club. For any of the options it’s only a matter of contacting Tommy Hayes on 062-62244 or Sean Breen on 062-71131 with your details. Alternatively you can text on your details to Tommy on 087-7934739 or Sean on 087- 2646441 and you will receive a text from Vodafone confirming your registration. You can also log on to or go to the Kickhams web page and click on the link. There are many 087 numbers within the Parish as well as family members living around the country. This is a very good way of bringing in much needed funds and all at no cost to the supporter so get calling and texting now and let family and friends know as soon as possible. It’s a chance to get involved in your club and only a phone call away.