
Drom-Inch GAA Club news

November 7, 2018

Adjourned Juvenile Convention
The adjourned juvenileconvention shall take place on Monday 31st January in Inch dressingrooms at 7.30pm.
Juvenile Club Progressive 25
Drom-Inch Juvenile clubshall hold their annual Progressive 25 in Drom Hall on Wednesday 2ndMarch. Your support would be greatly appreciated on the night.
The under 21’s shall commence theirpreparations this weekend for the upcoming football championship. See club textfor details.
Anyone interested in a GaeltachtScholarship needs to get an application form and return it before the 11th ofFebruary. Anyone interested contact Pat Egan 087 2461571 or any club officer.
Best of luck to all players involved inHarty Cup quarter final action this week as we have Jamie Maloney, ShaneHassett, Oisin Jordan, Martin Dooley and Brian Everard all involved with OurLady’s Templemore who face Midleton CBS in a replay following last week’spulsating draw. Shane, Jamie and Oisin all played their part in the drawn game.The replay takes place in Cahir on Wednesday at 2.30pm. Best of luck also toEamonn Buckley who is over the Thurles CBS team who face Ard Scoil Ris in theirquarter final tie in Tipperarytown at 2.30pm Wednesday also.
Congrats to Kevin Butler who is coach ofthe Charleville CBS side that defeated Nenagh CBS in their quarter final andnow await the winners of the Our Ladys and Midleton replay in the semi final.