The club’s AnnualGeneral Meeting took place in Inch dressing rooms on Friday night last. Therewas a fantastic turnout on the night. The following positions were filled onthe night:
Patron: FrMurphy
President PakieBoyle
Vice President Con Ryan,Eamonn Bourke
Chairman AustinBroderick
Secretary PatEgan
Treasurer ThereseFahey
Joint Treasurer BrianCostello
PRO TrevorHassett
CoachingDevelopment Officer Damien Young
SchoolsCo-ordinator MatthewMcGrath
Trainer SeanPrendergast
Senior TeddyKennedy (Manager), Andy Bourke, Martin Butler
Intermediate TBC
Junior Hurling BrianBoyle
Junior Football TBC
Under 21 hurling& Football TBC
In Chairman AustinBroderick’s speech, he thanked everyone who contributed to the club throughoutthe year especially those who provided top notch hospitality for visiting teams,when there were matches in the field and all those who helped make the lottosuch a fantastic success in its first year. The club would also like to wishLotto Secretary Shelia Callanan a speedy recovery following her recent illnessand we would hope to see her back in the near future. The chairman also thankedthe schools co-ordinator Liam Kennedy for the fantastic work he has done withinthe past year in the schools and it is clear that it is paying off withnumerous titles returning to the schools. He then wished Matthew McGrath wellas he will take up the role for the coming year. Sean Prendergast was thennamed as the trainer for the year and he was wished well and the players wereasked to put in a serious effort this year in a bid to bring Dan Breen to theclub. He also congratulated James Woodlock and Seamus Callinan on bringing backAll Ireland medals to the parish and wished them both luck this year with Tipperary.
Adjourned Convention:
Adjournedconvention takes place on Friday 7th January in Inch dressing rooms.
Liam McCarthy Comes to the Ragg
The Liam McCarthycup shall be in Younge’s the Ragg on Wednesday night next from 9pm. It will beaccompanied by several members of the victorious team. It is important that wehonour this occasion as it is a great honour to have 2 All Ireland medals inthe parish. This promises to be a great night’s entertainment and is a greatway to end the year and start another one.
Membership is nowdue for all player and non-players. Therese Fahey and Brian Costello areavailable to take membership. Players €50, Non-Players €30, OAP €20, Juveniles€10
Juvenile AGM
Drom-Inch Juvenile AGM will take place in the ClubHouse on Tuesday 11th January at 7:45pm. Nominations for officers and managersare being accepted now and on the night itself.
Medal Presentation
The Juvenile Club held a medal presentation on Sunday12th December. While we would have loved to have had more silver ware to giveout, we still had a lot of juveniles present to collect their prizes.
Our proud under 8s collected their Maher Cup medals,the under 10s collected their runner up Paddy Carey medals, the under 12scollected Mid Football Final medals and the under 14s collected Mid and CountyFootball medals. Well done to all the players and their mentors. We would liketo thank Seamus Callinan, Noel McGrath and Kieran McGrath for giving up theirspare time and making the presentations. They are highly regarded by our youngplayers. Thanks also to representatives from the Mid Bord na nOg includingJoe Kennedy Chairman, Sally Young Secretary and Andy Ryan Coaching Officer, forattending on the cold night, and also Austin Broderick Chairman of Drom-InchSenior Club for addressing the gathering. After the formalities therewere lots of refreshments for everyone, thanks to donations from allof the parents. It is much appreciated by the club. Hopefully 2011 will be evenmore lucrative and this time next year we’ll have another busy night.