Digital Switchover Talk
On Friday next September 21st from 2pm to 4pm, there will be a talk on digital switchover which will happen on October 24th next. The talk takes place in the Community Cafe at the Family Resource Centre in Killaloe. All are welcome to come along and find out how you can be sure that you will continue to ensure you receive a signal. Please remember your neighbours who may not be sure how to deal with the switchover.
Back to Education at Newport College
Part time courses available in Childcare, Special Needs Assistant, PreSchool Creche Management, Interior Design, Art, Crafts and Design and Business Studies. No tuition fees and available to all ages. Contact Newport College (061378262) between 10am and 4pm any week day.
Prayer of the Church and Benediction
Every Friday in the Church of Our Lady and St. Lua in Ballina at 1.05pm, Prayer of the Church an Benediction is celebrated. Why not come and pray with us for a while.