Knock Festival for Young People: The Summer Festival is a one day event taking place on July 28th. It is for all young people between the ages of 17-30. On this day, young people will come together in a faith setting and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. They will explore, ignite and celebrate their faith. The event will have interactive talks, prayer, testimonies from young people as well as drama and music. More details on the Parish Noticeboards.
Glenstall Ladies Retreat: Tuesday, July 3rd or Wednesday, July 4th. All enquiries to 061 621000.
Ar Shli na Firinne: Remember in your prayers the soul of: Annie Larkin, Summerhill, who died recently.
Eucharist Congress: The Congress started last Sunday in Dublin and will take place during this week. To mark the event in the parish, we will celebrate a Holy Hour in Ballina Church on Firday next from 4pm to 5pm. This will include Prayer of the Church and Benediction which is usually at 1.05pm.
Recently Baptised: We welcome into God’s Family: Aoife Cllen Cryan, daughter of Irene and Gerard, Ard Coillte and also Zane Zsolt Szoke Coonan, son of Jean and Endre who were baptized last weekend.
Hurling: After defeat of our Intermediate team last Sunday, attention now turns to our Junior team who play Portroe in the first round of the North championship next weekend. Meanwhile training continues on Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8pm.
Tickets: Match Tickets for the Tipperary versus Cork game will be distributed in the Complex next Friday evening at 9pm. People who have not paid their membership, should do so before this meeting by contacting any officer of the club.
Juvenile Club: This year’s Summer Camp will take place from July 16th to July 20th and is open to Primary School children between 6 and 13 years. Contact any club officers for more details.