Friday Church Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile with us especially in this holy season of Advent?
Ar Shli na Firinne: Remember in your prayers the souls of Maurice Moore (Knocklong), brother of Tommy, Garrynatineel and Betty Lonergan (Cappamore & Emly), Fr. Morrissey’s housekeeper, John Carey (England), who died recently.
Christmas 45 Drive: This Progressive 45 Drive takes place in Boher Hall on Wednesday, December 21st at 8pm. €600 in prizes and €10 entry costs.
Christmas Liturgies: Confessions after 10am Mass in Ballina from Monday to Wednesday this week. Reconciliation Service in Killaloe on Thursday at 8pm. Confessions in Ballina and Boher on Christmas Eve from 12 noon to 1pm. Vigil of the Nativity in Boher on Christmas Eve at 8pm. Midnight Mass in Ballina. Masses on Christmas Day at 9am and 11.30am in Ballina and 10.30am in Boher.
Firewood Auction: The auction was held last Saturday at the Complex in very good weather conditions.
Although volumes of timber were down on last year’s levels, prices were up and with brisk demand record prices were reached for one tractor load of prime ash. The club would like to thank all the volunteers who worked overtime in adverse weather conditions to meet Saturday‘s deadline. Special thanks to Michael Hayes for making his barn available for the processing of the timber and to all who volunteered tractors and trailers. Last but not least, sincerest thanks to the people who generously donated the timber to the club. The draw date for the trailer of ash has been extended. Tickets are on sale in most local business outlets.
Dates to remember: The Club A.G.M. will be held on Friday, January 13th at 8pm. Nomination forms will be available shortly. On St Stephen’s day a charity 4 mile walk will take place starting at the GAA Complex at 11am. What better way of shedding those Christmas day pounds than a good walk which will benefit the local Senior Citizens.
Season’s Greetings: The club would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in
anyway to the club in 2011 and wishes all our players, members, and supporters a very happy Christmas
and prosperous New Year.