MNF Semi Finals Fixtures
Placing Semi Finals
6.30 The Coastgaurd v Lacken
7.15 The Legends V Bio Labs
MNF Semi Final
8.00 The Untouchables V AOW
8.45 Deel Rovers United V Killala
MNF set to return
The Semi Finals of the MNF tournament are set for next Monday 10th Jan.
Date set for A.G.M
Saturday 22nd January at 6pm is the date for the AGM of the club. All members , Parents and supporters are invited to attend. Any one with new ideas, new proposals or changes are invited to submit them to the Secretary, Peter McDonnell, Leadymore, Killala before this date. Also anyone interested in helping out in any way can give their details to any club official. So put this date in your diary and come along on the night.
Clubhouse Closed due to Frost Damage
A Burst pipe discovered during the big thaw has caused extensive water damage at the Clubhouse in Courthouse St. The cost of repair for all the damage is substantial and the clubhouse will remained closed until further notice.