
PRO Notes for the 8th December 2014

November 8, 2018

The Club's Christmas concert will take place on Sunday  21st December, in St. Nathy's Hall, at 8pm. It promises to be a great night, with lots of music, dance and Comedy sketch, from local artists. Admission adults 10 euro and U.16's 5 euro.


The  nursery programme for young children in Coolaney and Mullinabreena, continues in St.Nathy's hall on Monday's at 6.30pm, and  the Community centre, Coolaney, on Saturday's at 11am. The nursery is designed to cater for children born in 2008,2009 and 2010, and will introduce children to the Skills of Gaelic games in a fun, safe and enjoyable way. Contact Patricia Gorman & Padraig McGourty for more details. 

The National GAA Club Draw tickets can purchased by logging onto our website at There are some great prizes on offer, all monies raised stays with the club you purchase the ticket from, all support welcome. 


The December monthly meeting takes place In St. Nathy's Hall, on Tuesday 9th December at 9pm. All members are asked to attend.