
Weekly Notes

November 8, 2018

* CastlewellanGAC are once again running their annual three monthly draw. The draws will takeplace on 31 August, 28 September and 26 October 2013. The price of each ticketfor the draw is £60. All participants can either pay £60 or in installments of£20 which must be paid before each draw takes place. Please contact any memberof the committee if you wish to purchase a ticket. This draw contributes tofinance our ongoing developments necessary to facilitate the growing demand forGaelic sport in the Town and Parish. We would urge as many members as possibleto support this draw.

* All members please note that the All County Senior League Division 1 game between Castlewellanand Saval will take place this Thursday Night in St Malachy’s Park with a7.30pm throw-in.

* For those whoordered the pink and green jerseys, they will be available to collect from theclub this Thursday night 25 July 2013 after the senior match. Jerseys must bepaid in full before collection, £25 for jerseys up to and including age 13, £32for the remainder.

* Bingo will takeplace in the club this Sunday 28 July at 3.00pm. So come along for what will be a great day out. Thank you all of you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

* All clubs inthe county will be looking forward to their respective championships which willbegin the second week in August. Everyone will be starting to put the finishingtouches to the hard work they have all done this year. Of course it would befoolish to assume that it is only the footballers, hurlers or camogs that fitthis category. What about our referees? While some (one) can be seen jumpinginto to the Rock Pool in Newcastle pretending to be Mark Spitz (the younger generation will not know who he was!) others were climbing Snowdonia. He has abit of work to do saying his young son beat him to the summit. We hope you hada good holiday GC! pitzes.o seeing youon Sunday. Pool in newcastlerk they have all done this year.ich will begin thesecond week in Au

* Please note coachingand training has resumed again last Saturday. Please note the times for thisweek. 10.00am-10.45am St Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1 & P2 Hurling andCamogie. 10.00am-10.45am St Malachy’s Park P3-P7 Camogie. 10.00am-11.00am StMalachy’s Park U12 Boys Hurling. 10.45am-11.30am St Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1and P2 Boys Football and Girls Football. TBC St Malachy’s Park P5/P6 HurlingBlitz. Saturday 20 July Nursery, P1 and P2 plusCamogie up to Under 12.

* The AttackFitness Circuits will continue in The Club on Thursday evenings at 7.00pm. Therewill also be classes in St Malachy’s Park on Saturday mornings at 9.00am.

* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.