Senior Hurling: Eire Og Annacarty will be Lorrha’s first opposition on our return to the senior ranks when the league gets underway on Sunday, 9 March. Lorrha will travel to Annacarty. Lorrha will have a home game with Golden-Kilfeacle on St. Patrick’s weekend and our final group game will be away to Upperchurch-Drombane on weekend of 23 March. Two teams will progress from the group to the knockout stages.
Adult Training: Senior, Junior and Under 21 training continues on Friday at 8pm. All players are to attend. New faces or those that we have not seen on a while are also welcome.
Minor/Under 16: Minor and Under 16 continues on Friday evening in Moatfield at 6.45pm sharp.
Under 10/12/14’s: Training for Under 10’s, 12’s and 14’s continues in Moatfield on Saturday at 11am.
Indoor Hurling: Indoor Hurling for Under 8’s, over the age of six continues in Lorrha Hall on this Friday night at 7pm sharp.
Membership: Membership for 2008 is now available. €30 – Adult Players; €20 – Non Playing Adults; €15 – Minor/College Students and Juveniles (with match ticket entry); €10 – Juveniles (without match ticket entry). All players must have their membership paid before the start of the league.
All adult members that are paid up by the end of February will be entered into a draw for Sunday Lunch at the Tullamore Court Hotel. Juveniles that are paid up by the end of the month will be entered into a draw for a voucher for GK Sports in Birr.
All membership is payable to club registrar Jack Maher or any committee member.
Tipp Draw: Next months draw will be the final draw of the current draw and all outstanding money should be paid as soon as possible.
Lotto: The numbers drawn on 11 February were: 3 – 10 – 14 – 23.
John Kennedy of Ballyduff, Rathcabbin was the lucky winner of the €12,350 jackpot and will be presented with his winnings in Brophys on next Saturday night as will Brophys who were the winning promoter.
The jackpot reverts to €3,000.
You can also play the Lorrha GAA Club Lotto Online by going to our website: and clicking on the lotto icon or going to The number of players who have joined is growing by the week. You can register your numbers for 4 to 52 weeks and get free entries on the length of time you enter for.
Old Time Dancing: Our Old Time Dancing continues in the GAA Clubhouse on Friday night to the music of Richie Halpin. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.
Website: Our website: has been updated in recent weeks with photos from 2007 and also contains weekly news and events and also access to our lottery online.