
Lorrha GAA News

November 8, 2018

AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Lorrha GAA Club took place on Saturday night in front of what was again, a disappointing crowd, particularly considering the successful year gone by with the very low turnout of players once again a disappointment.
However, in the process of achieving that success, it proved to be a severe financial strain on the club and there will have to be some belt tightening in the weeks and months ahead while there was a call for everyone to put in a concerted effort to raise funds for the club through the weekly lotto and our up-coming Christmas Draw.
Expressions of thanks were made to outgoing Treasurer Tina Young who stood down from the post after three years and delivered another excellent report. However, no one came forward to replace her and the roles of Treasurer and Registrar will have to be filled at the Adjourned Annual General Meeting. Jim Williams was ratified as Senior and U/21 manager for 2008 while Ken Hogan remains in charge of the minors. A Junior manager has yet to be confirmed.
2008 Committee (O denotes Outgoing): President: Michael O’Meara (The Hill, O), Vice-President: Fr. Joe Kennedy (O), Chairman: Seamus Deely (O), Vice-Chairmen (x2): Padraig Madden (O), Madeleine Maher (O), Secretary: Shane Brophy (O), Treasurer: Vacant, Assistant Secretary: Niall Brophy (O), Assistant Treasurer: Margaret Gleeson (O), PRO: Shane Brophy (O), Co. Board Delegate: Tony Coen (O), Development Officer: Michael Hoctor (O), Players Rep: Noel Hogan, Registrar: Vacant.

Adjourned AGM: The Adjourned AGM will take place in the GAA Clubhouse on Saturday, 22 December at 8.15pm. All members are requested to attend.

Juvenile AGM: The Annual General Meeting of the Juvenile Club will take place in the GAA Clubhouse on Tuesday, 11 December at 8pm sharp. All parents are asked to attend.

Christmas Draw: Tickets for our Christmas Draw for excellent prizes are now on sale at €5 each. The draw will take place on Sunday, 23 December.

Dinner Dance: The Lorrha GAA Dinner Dance will take place in the County Arms Hotel, Birr on Saturday, 5 January 2008. Tickets are now on sale and are priced at €40. Medals will be presented to the victorious Intermediate hurlers and Minor footballers on the night.

Club Jackets: Anyone who ordered club jackets must collect them as soon as possible.

DVD’s: Copies of both the North and County Intermediate Hurling Finals are available from Shane Brophy at €20 each. There are also DVD and Video copies of the 2006 County Minor Final still available. There are also copies of the North and County Final programmes available also.

Lotto: The numbers drawn on 26 November were: 12 – 19 – 26 – 29. No Winner.
The Lucky Dips were: Anne Cowan, Angela & Chrissie Lambe, Pat Kennedy (The Lake), Jack Kennedy (Nenagh) and Mark Kennedy.
The Winning Promoters were: Geraldine O’Meara, Tony Coen and Martin Hough.
The new lottery ticket of the Lorrha GAA lotto is now on sale but any of the old style tickets can still be used. The new ticket will contain three boxes with numbers ranging from 1 to 30. Each player can play one box for €2, two boxes for €4 or three boxes for €5.
You can also play the Lorrha GAA Club Lotto Online by going to our website: and clicking on the lotto icon or going to The number of players who have joined is growing by the week. You can register your numbers for 4 to 52 weeks and get free entries on the length of time you enter for.

Old Time Dancing: Our Old Time Dancing continues in the GAA Clubhouse on Friday night to the music of Footloose. Dancing 9.30pm to 12.30am.

Website: Our website: which has been dormant in recent times has been updated in recent weeks with photos from 2007 and also contains weekly news and events and also access to our lottery online.