Good Evening All
Well Done to the Kildare Minors who won the All Ireland Quarter Finals on Monday, a special well done to David Marnell, Cian Costigan, Shane Doyle and David Shalvey.
Well Done to all our teams who were successful this last week and the very best of luck to our Senior Team who take on Maynooth on Saturday in the next round of the Joe Mallon Senior Football Championship in Newbridge at 18:45. Please come along and support.
Our Annual Mass for deceased members takes place next Wednesday 8th August at 8:00pm in the Clubhouse, all are welcome.
To book any of our 3 function rooms please contact the Bar Manager Shay McGann.
All unwanted clothes can be left into Christy Horan in the clubhouse any morning or evening after 8:00pm
I am delighted to announce that our new club website will be going live before the weekend, so please watch this space, for all club happenings checkout Facebook, twitter , the local papers and in house notice boards.
Regards Alison Donnelly PRO