A large attendance was present for the Club’s Annual General Meeting which was held in Aras de Barra last week. After words of welcome from Chairperson Kathlee Johnson the minutes of the 2008 AGM were read by Secretary Nicola Barry. These were adopted. Next up was the Secretary’s Annual Report for the 2009 season. In a very comprehensive 11 page report Nicola went through the activities of the Club in minute detail.
Outgoing Chairperson Kathleen Johnson then addressed the meeting. She thanked all who had helped with the running of the club during the year. The players and selectors on all the teams put in a huge effort during the year and though titles and silverware were scarce all teams gave of their very best.. Kathleen also thanked all Club members and supporters for their help during the season. She had special praise for her fellow Club Officers who had had done Trojan work.
Cork County Board PRO Gerard Lane then took the chair for the Election of Officers for 2010. Gerard thanked everyone involved with their club and wished them every success for the coming year.
Chairman Michael Carey, Vice Ch Terry Broderick, Hon Sec Nicola Barry, Asst Sec William O Leary, Treasurer James Bermingham, Asst Treas. Annette Walsh, Registrar Brian Arnold, Insurance Officer Dan Quill, Cultural Officer Gerard Lane, PRO John Arnold. Players Rep on Executive Aidan Collins.
Membership Fees for 2010
Players €100
General €50
OAP’s €20