Title: New App for Sports Clubs with MyClubFinances.com and DDSL
Summary: Download the new MCF app for your sports club now so that you can stay on top of all the latest news, updates and information coming out of your club.
Article: The new MCF is available for download here for Apple devices. If you're on an android device then we've got you covered too as that version will be available in September. If you don't want to use the download link then just enter "MCF" in the search box on the app store and you'll see our new app.
And if you're asking why bother then I've got a lot of reasons. First of all it's free which is nice. You can register with your existing MyClubFinances.com log-in details or create a new account.
Then you search for your local sports club among the hundreds of clubs across Ireland that are currently using the MyClubFinances.com platform to provide online services. And then once you have located your club and added them as a favourite you'll be able to receive all the latest news and updates from the club directly to your device. You'll even get push notifications when the new content is published.
What's more you'll be able to keep a track of all your transaction history with your club and can buy lotto tickets, online memberships or tickets to any fundraising event the club is selling online in just a few taps.
Think of this app as a kind of one-stop shop for all your interactions with your club; it provides the latest news, keeps track of all transaction details and enables you to purchase online. There's no reason not to download if you want the fast track to what's going on at your club.