
AGM is on this Friday at 8pm in St John's Hall, Hacketstown.

November 8, 2018

The AGM of Clonmore GFC will be held in St John’s Hall, Hacketstown, on Friday, 29 January, at 8pm sharp. The Mass for deceased members will now be held on Saturday, 30 January at 7.30. All players and members are invited to attend the AGM and new members are especially welcome.
The photo is of the 2009 Committee at our Awards Night last May. Back (Left to right): Eddie Forde (Hon President), Juliana Garahy (Treasurer), Tom Doyle (Chairman), Dermot Byrne (Secretary), Clive Lambe (Membership Officer), Jim Boland (Treasurer). Front: Ger Doyle (PRO), Paddy Lawlor (Dep Vice Chairman), Jimmy Lawlor (Committee), James Doyle (Vice Chairman). Missing from photo: Denis Cullen (Hon President), Paul Byrne (Asst Sec), Eugene Lawlor (Committee).