Friday Church Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile.
Archdiocese Pilgrimage to Lough Derg (Dongeal) 2013: This pilgrimage takes place from Saturday, August 3rd for three days. More information from Mary Hennessy (087 6220772) or Bridget O’Driscoll (087 6305889).
Thank You: This week we say many thanks and good bye to three members of our Primary School Staff. Celia Slattery retires from Boher School as Special Needs Assistant after ten years while Margaret McKeogh retires in Ballina School as Special Needs Assistant after twelve years and Sinead Daffy as Resource Teacher after fourteen yearsl
Senior Citizen’s Annual Holiday: This will take place from August 11th -16th in Lahinch. Anybody wishing to travel should contact any member of the committee before July 27th.