Friday Church Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile.
Archdiocese Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Recently, Joe Walsh Tours have launched the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2013. This pilgrimage will take place from June 16th to 21st with a full inclusive price of €699. Booking forms for the Pilgrim section are now available from Joe Walsh Tours on 01 2410811. Enquires to Fr. Tom Hearne on 0504 51230
Heart to Hand: We are holding our usual Lenten Food Collection again this year. The need for food is greater than ever. We are appealing for Rice next weekend. Collection boxes will be in the church porches in Ballina and Boher.
Recently Deceased: Please remember in your prayers, Breda Fennessy (Bushfield and Dundrum, Dublin) whose funeral took place in Boher recently. Also, Biddy McGeever, Glasgow, mother of Charlie, Derrycastle, who died recently.
North Tipperary U21 football: Well done to our under21 footballers on a great win last Saturday, beating Moneygall/Clonakenny 4/11 to 2/6. Next game will be played against Ballinahinch in the North semi-finals.[see fixtures]
Tipperary Intermediate hurling county league: Ballina versus Moyne/Templetouhy changed to March 20th in Templetohy at 8p.m. [ Please check fixtures ]
Membership: Please pay your membership of €40 euro to any club officer or on line check Ballina GAA website before March 31st. Players will not be insured after this date to play matches.
Are you a Tipp fan? Are you a table Quiz fan? : If so please come to the Roundhill Bar this Friday night March 15th at 9pm to be in with a chance to win. Local heats of the tipperary all county table quiz will be held Fran Curry will call out out the questions live on Tipp FM.Question are on general knowledge and cost €40 euro per table. All individual €10 euro entries will be entered in a special draw draw to be held on County Final night with All Ireland Weekend plus match tickets as first prize and a runners up prize of two Tipp Club season tickets. Local winners from the heats will go forward to the Grand County final been held in the Dome, Semple Stadium on Thursday March 28th where the outright winnig table will receive four tickets to New York. All clubs are encouraged to support this important fund raising venture. Local county co-ordinator is Michael Sheehy or you may contact any club officer.
St Patricks Day parade: Theme: The Gathering we are looking for names of relatives, neighbours or friends who have played with the Ballina GAA club and who have now emigrated around the globe.Please send names to Eileen 08688551178 or email Would as many coaches,mentors and players please march with your club on the St Patricks Day.
Tipperary Coaching and Games Development: Will host a conference entitled Preparing the Adult Club Team this Saturday March 16th in Thurles Sarsfields Clubhouse. Eamonn O Shea Tipperary Senior hurling manager, Shane Ronayne. Cahir senior football coach, Ken Dunne Toomevara; Paudie Butler, National Coach Education and Paudie O,Neill Tipperary Senior hurling coach will be among the panel of speakers who will be in attendance on the day. Conference will commence at 9-45a.m. participants are asked to be present for 9-30a.m. Registration forms are avaliable from .