Under 21B Football: Our Under 21s were beaten by Clonakenny/Moneygall in Moneygall last Sunday, final score Ballina 1/9 to 4/9. Next football game next weekend Ballina versus Lorrah/Dorrah in Lorrah see fixtures.
Membership: Adult membership for the club is now due for 2013, this needs to be paid before March 31st. Players will not be covered by insurance unless they are paid up members of the club. Membership is €40 for the year it may be paid to any club officer.
Scrap Saturday: Our annual collection of scrap will take place shortly, if you have any scrap that you wish to get rid off we will gladly take it from you. More information to follow or you may contact any club officer.
Lotto: There was no winner of last weeks lotto, numbers drawn were 13, 18, 24, 27,. Next weeks lotto is €15,600 build up €5,000. Thank you for your continued support.
Church Gate collection: Thank you to all those who helped out and supported the club over the weekend in Ballina and Boher annual chuch gate collection. Your help and support is always appreciated.
Mouthguards: Now that the football season has begun it is compulsory for all underage and minor players to wear mouthguards durning training and playing matches.
Gaeltacht Schloarship: Applications for schloarship to the gaeltacht is been offered to 2nd level students in the county by Coiste Chontae Thiobraid Arainn. Applicant must currently only be in 2nd year 5th year and transition year, they must also have been registered members of their local GAA club in 2012. Applicant will called for an interview where they must display an enthuasism for our Irish lanaguage. Closing date for scloarship Thursday Feb 28th. Please contact your local club secretary. All forms need to be signed by your local club secretary and divisional board secretary.