Friday Church Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile.
Dates for your Diary: Confirmation Day for Ballina/Boher is March 2nd, 2013. First Holy Communion Days are in Boher on April 21st, 2013 and in Ballina on May 12th, 2012.
Christmas Progressive 45 Drive: This will take place in Boher Hall on Wednesday, December 19th at 8pm. €500 in prizes including a hamper. Tickets €10.
Christmas Day Swim: This annual event will take place at 12.30pm at Two Mile Gate. Proceeds in aid of the Clarisford Project. Contact Christy on 061 376245.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Service of Reconciliation in Killaloe on Thursday, December 20th at 7.30pm. Visiting priests will be available for confession. Confessions in Ballina on Friday next from 1.30pm to 2pm and in Ballina and Boher on Saturday from 12 noon to 1pm.
Club Calendar: This new venture is on Sale from this Friday, December 14th, priced at €10. Other GAA gifts worth considering this year are the GAA season Ticket and the Tipperary GAA Club Match Pass. Also consider the Tipperary Yearbook 2012.
Annual Walk: This walk will be held again this year on St Stephen’s Day. All members are invited
to participate. The walk will commence at the Clubhouse at 11am. There will be a Grange 10km Walk/Run option, or a 5km run around Ballina. A bucket collection will be held with all proceeds going to the Senior Citizens.
Juvenile AGM: This AGM was held last Saturday night before a good attendance. The Secretary, Eileen Breen, and Treasurer, Sharon Donnelly, delivered two excellent reports which showed the club to be in quite a healthy state on most fronts. Chairman, Eamonn Power, in his speech thanked everyone who contributed to the clubs progress during the year. He congratulated our Under 16 Hurlers on capturing the North and County crowns and the selectors for their dedication in preparing this team to the highest level. There was no change, all officers returned as they were, except PRO and Assistant Secretary which were left vacant.
NB. Intermediate AGM will be held Friday, IIth January 2013.
Season Greetings: The club wishes all our players, members and supporters a Merry Christmas and Prosperous 2013.