Recently Deceased: Please remember in your prayers the soul of Nuala O’Donovan, Legane whose funeral took place in Ballina recently.
Heart to Hand Charity: Next weekend is the final dry goods collection for the poor of Albgania. Thanks ot all who donated so generoulsly during Lent. Next weekend we will collect toothpaste/soap or any dry goods of your choice.
Trocaire Boxes: Please return your Trocaire Box on Holy Thursday or during any of the Holy Week ceremonies.
Church Services for Holy Week: Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8pm in both churches. Confessions after Boher Liturgy. Quiet Hour of Prayer in Ballina at 10pm, Good Friday: Stations of the Cross in Ballina at 12 noon (suitable for young people), Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3pm in both churches, Stations of the Cross in Boher at 7.30pm. Confessions after all liturgies today. Holy Saturday: Prayer of the Church at 12 noon in Ballina, Polish Blessing of Easter Food at 12.15pm also in Ballina. Easter Vigil in both churches at 9pm.
Congratulations: Well done to Stephen O Brien and the Nenagh CBS team on winning their first All Ireland A Colleges Final against CBS Kilkenny. The game which was played in Semple Stadium was a thrilling contest throughout, with Nenagh scoring the extra goal which was the difference between the teams in the end. Stephen had an excellent game, scoring two very valuable points in the first half.
Under 21 Footballers: This team exited the North Tipperary championship after a gallant display against a strong Shannon Rovers team. Ballina were slow to start and were down 5 points to 1 down after twenty minutes. However a goal scored by Eamonn Hayes brought them right back into the game, and they were just one adrift at the interval. Stephen O Brien started the second half just 24 hours after his All Ireland success, but Rovers scored a goal just three minutes into the second half, followed by several points. Ballina had to wait until the fifteenth minute when they scored a goal which marked a resurgence. They scored 3 more points and were just 2 points down at the final whistle, 2-6 to 1-11.
Ballina/Boher News
November 8, 2018