Friday Church Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile.
Recently Baptized: We welcome into God’s family: Erin Mary Neville, Curraghviller, daughter of Jody and Noreen who was baptized recently.
Cashel and Emly Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 16th to 21st June – 5 nights – Full Inclusive price €687. Booking forms available now for the Pilgrim Section from: Joe Walsh Tours, 143 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 on 01 2410811. Application forms available for the Invalid Section from February 14th.
50th International Eucharistic Congress: This takes place in Dublin from June 10th to 17th 2012. The Final Mass will take place in Croke Park on Sunday, June 17th. Our parish have been allocated 15 tickets at €10 each. Application forms are available from either sacristry.
Lent: Mass times for Lent are in Ballina at 10am each weekday and in Boher on Friday at 7.30pm. Trocaire Boxes are available and we appeal to all to remember the local charity Heart to Hand.
Ballina Primary School: Enrolment for School Year 2012/2013 is now taking place. Application Forms available from School Office on 061 376340.
Registration for GAA Club: Club Membership for 2012 is now due for renewal. This applies to all adults and Juvenile boys and girls. This year you can pay your membership on line (for both adults and children) and the club is offering family membership at reduced rates. Details of these packages can be obtained by visiting the club website Alternatively the club will hold registration nights on Thursday and Friday, March 1st and 2nd from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Adult members €40.
Harty Cup: Well done to Stephen O Brien who was part of the Nenagh C.B.S team who were defeated by a very strong Waterford Colleges outfit in the Harty Cup Final which was played in Dr Leahy Park in Cashel last Sunday.
Ballina/Boher News
November 8, 2018