Recently Baptised
We welcome into God’s family, Rosa May O’Donovan, Ard Coillte, daughter of Patrick and Olivia who was baptized recently.
Rest in Peace
Please remember in your prayer the soul of Christy Ryan, Kilfeacle who died recently.
Catholic School’s Week
This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week with the theme: Christ’s Living Body Active in our World. We pray for those who impart knowledge and the children who will learn during this very special week.
February 3rd.
Friday next is the First Friday for the month of February and the feast of St. Blaise. Mass in Ballina at 10am and in Boher at 7.30pm. Communion calls will be made on this day.
Ballina GAA Juvenile AGM
This meeting was held on Friday last. After the Secretary and Treasurer reports, the Chairperson of the last three years, Mike Keely, stood down. Mike did and excellent job during his term and his competence was commented. Eamonn Power was elected as the new Chairperson, Brendan Maguire as the PRO, Sharon Donnelly as the Treasurer in place of Brian Neill who stepped down from this position that he steered so well. Eileen Breen remains as the Secretary while Eugene Power assumed the role of Register.