Ballina GAA and Parish Lotto Build Up: As you know, our Jackpot figure now stands at €14,400. A Build Up Jackpot is now underway and presently stands at €6,400. As long as the main Jackpot is not won, each Jackpot figure will receive the €200 bonus every second week.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: This pilgrimage takes place from June 16th to the 21st. Price €680. Further details are on the Church Notice Boards.
Trocaire: Last year our parish collected €17,500 for Trocaire. Please be generous and return your Trocaire box/envelope to the church. Please do not leave sums of money in the church when it is unattended.
Recently Baptised: We welcome into our Parish Family: Marcin Tomala, son of Grzegorz & Mazgorzata, Cnoc Ard and Sean Temujin McKeogh, son of Stephen and Mira, Ashgrove Meadows, who were baptized recently.
First Holy Communion: This Sunday was the first of three First Holy Communion Days in our Parish. Half of the children in Ballina Primary School will receive next Sunday at 1pm and the second half on Sunday, May 29th at 1pm. The children of Boher Primary School will receive on June 12th, at 10.30am. Thanks to all concerned who have assisted in their preparation for this great day.
Friday Chruch Services in Ballina: After 10am Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until 5pm. Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile with us?
New Votive Candle Stand: You may have noticed the new candle stand at St. Anthony’s Statue in Ballina Church. This is here on trial, is fully Irish made and is a very clean system. Candles are 25c. Any feedback to the Parish Priest please.
North Tipperary Employ Ability Service: This service offers one to one job coaching, job sourcing and on the job support. If you have a disability and require support in seeking employment, then contact North Tipperary Employ Ability Service at 067 37896/37897. This is a free service provided throughout North Tipperary, supported by FAS.