Ballina GAA and Parish Lotto Build Up: As you know, our Jackpot figure now stands at €11,600. A Build Up Jackpot is now underway and presently stands at €3,600. As long as the main Jackpot is not won, each Jackpot figure will receive the €200 bonus every second week.
Firewood Auction: Preparation for the Firewood Auction continues next Saturday. Anyone wishing to contribute timber or who are willing to give time cutting or splitting wood, please contact Club Sec. John Gleeson as soon as possible. It is hoped to hold Auction in late November.
Fridays in Ballina: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10.30am to 5pm. Midday Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile with us?
Recently Baptised: We welcome into God’s family, Henry John Thompson, son of Garry and Sinead, The Beeches and Ryan Michael Rohan, son of Michael and Suzanne, Radharc Grainni, who were baptized last weekend.
Remember in your prayers: Please pray for the souls of Fred Minchin, England, brother of Denis, Garryneale: Mary Ryan, Kilteely, mother of Maureen, Drombane who died recently.
November Prayers: Prayers in the cemeteries: Sunday, November 7th: Ballina Cemetery at 2pm. Sunday, November 14th: Templehollow Cemetery at 2pm. Sunday, November 21st: Kilmastulla Cemetery at 2pm.
First Friday: Friday next is the First Friday for the month of November. The sick and housebound will be visited on that day. Masses on Friday will be in Ballina at 10am and in Boher at 7.30pm.