Fridays in Ballina: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10.30am to 5pm. Midday Prayer of the Church and Benediction at 1.05pm. Why not come along and pray awhile with us?
Parish Office: The Parish Office will be closed until September. All enquires to Fr. Ted or Fr. Enda on 087 2262636 or 087 6704358.
Ballina Tidy Towns: Weekly tidy up every Wednesday evening for one hour. Meet at Gooser’s Car Park at 7pm. Environmental Award Nominations coming soon. Environmental Award nominations have now commenced. To nominate a deserving Business Front, Floral Display, Front Garden or Community Area, please send details by text/phone to 087 638 7653 or e-mail
Milford Hospice Harvest Fair: The 25th Annual Milford Hospice Harvest Fair is scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 29th, 2010. The Fair will take place once again near the Unigolf facility, located with a 10 minute walk from Milford Hospice. The Harvest Fair Committee once again appeals for your support in donating goods. For further details, please contact the Fundraising Office on 061 485860.