
Blackhall Gaels Golf Classic

November 8, 2018

The Annual Blackhall Gaels Fundraising Golf Classic takesplace this year on Friday the 20th of September at 2pm. Keeping withtradition and to promote both the club and celebrate the GAA it is being heldon the Friday of All Ireland Football Final weekend. The rolling drumlins ofRathcore Golf Club in County Meath will once again play host to the event. Weinvite you to take part, enter your team enjoy a great day’s golf while supportingthe club.

Friday September 20th 2pm Shotgun Start

Carrying on from the success of last year’s event we will beonce again running the event using a Shotgun start. This allows all teams tostart and finish at the same time and also means that you do not have to bookany tee times. All teams will start at 2pm.

The entry fee for the 2013 Golf Classic is only €240 for ateam of four. The fee also includes a meal in the Clubhouse.

Entry fee is only €240

If you are unable to attend but would like to support theevent why not sponsor a tee box.

Tee box sponsorship is only €75

For team bookings and enquires please contact Richie0858354110 or Tom 0868100500.