
Bride Rovers G.A.A. Club notes and news for the week.

November 8, 2018


The First Executive meeting for 2010 was held on last Monday night. The  main items on the Agenda were Club Finances, Team Management, Development of Facilities and Club Committees.

The Following Committees will operate for 2011; Finance, Development, Grounds and Public Relations. Other Committees may be appointed later. The Membership of all the Committees will be published next week. It was decided to field just a Junior A football Team this year and not to have a Junior B Team.


A big push is to be made this year to increase the number of Club Members. The Adult Membership fee is €50 with a reduced rate for OAP’s. Joining the Club as an ordinary member shows support for the Club, brings in much needed revenue and gets people involved in the day to day running of the Club. They say many hands make light work and if members can only help out by giving a hour or two of their time now and again it would be most helpful. As well as seeing after teams there are many tasks which need volunteers in the Club. People may be interested in Music, song and dance -we are always trying to get new people involved in Scor. Pitch maintenance, washing jersies, making flags, painting, first aid duties, catering, selling a few Lotto tickets each week, collecting at gates and stewarding games in the pitch – the list is endless. While there is work to be done there is also a great sense of involvement and fun. If you are young, old, busy, idle, new to the parish or here all your life and would like to get involved with Bride Rovers simply contact any Club Officer, member or log-on to and search for the Bride Rovers page and you will find a link to the Club Membership page there, you will be very welcome.


The First Meeting of the East Cork Board will be held this week. The first Co Board Meeting for 2011 is on Tuesday January 25th and the new Coiste na n-Og will be meeting shortly.


The Adult (Sinnsear) and Scor na bPaisti (National school) will he held before the end of January. Details of the Scor na bPaisti have been sent to the National Schools. At adult level we are looking for Competitors in Quiz, Ballad Group, Instrumental Music, Ballad Group, Novelty Act, Recitation and Figure and Set Dancing. Please contact Club Runai Liam Barry or Gerard Lane.