Minor Footballers Out
On the Bank Holiday Monday our Minor football team made the long journey to Clondrohid to take on the home team in the County Championship. Unfortunately this game was a real mismatch as the Mid Cork team proved to be far too strong, winning on a scoreline of 4-12 to 1-2. Two goals in the first six minutes decided this game. For the remainder of the opening half our lads battled well. We had plenty possession but found the Clondrohid defence in top form. We lost the East Cork Final and Clondrohid won the Muskerry Final but both Divisional winners and losers were put into the same county competition.
Team: F Hogan, A Buckley, D Quinn, R O’Connor, J Pratt, D Buckley, F Collins, J Mannix, G Healy, S O’Leary, K Cahill, C Sewell, J Buckley.
Speedy recovers to Adrian Buckley who suffered a hand injury in the game.
Junior Football League
The way is now clear to play the Division 2 Junior Football League Final against Glanmire. They were defeated in the Junior ‘B’ Football Championship semi final last weekend. At the time of writing no fixture has been made but the final may be played this coming weekend.
Club Shop
Orders for Christmas are now being taken for a full range of Club Gear. Ring 086 3807784 or 08 61540902 to place your order.
Table Quiz
The Club are holding a Table Quiz in the Rathcormac Inn on Friday week November 5th. The Quiz is open to all teams of four and all proceeds will to towards the Club Development Fund. The Quiz will commence at 8pm and all are welcome.
Executive Meeting
There is s meeting of the Club Executive on next Monday night November 1st in the Clubrooms.