
Bride Rovers GAA Cllub Notes.

November 8, 2018

Defribillator Refresher Course.

TheClub intend running a refresher Course for those already trained in the use ofthe Defibrillator shortly.  Anyone wishing to be trained in the use ofthis important piece of equipment should contact Club Officers .

Go Raibh Maith AgatNoel.

TheClub wishes to sincerely thank Cork Senior Footballer Noel O Leary who gave acoaching session to our Minor and U21 panels last week. Noel is a brilliantfootballer, a great character and a true Gael.

Loreto in All IrelandAction.

Bestwishes to the Loreto Senior Ladies team who take on the Ulster Champions onnext Saturday at 2 o’clock in Athlone. This is the All Ireland semi-final andwill be a hard game to win. Ladies football has come on by leaps and bounds inUlster in recent years.

Avondhu/Imokilly JHL.

The2013 Inter Divisional Leagues sponsored by Cavanaghs of Fermoy were launched inFermoy on Monday night last. Dan Quill and James Bermingham attended thelaunch.

Ourfirst three fixtures in Div 1 of the JHL are as follows.

 SundayMarch 10th v Castlemartyr at home 3pm

SundayMarch 17th v Newtownshandrum, at home 12 noon.

SundayMarch 24th V Shanballymore, away at 3pm.


OtherClub fixtures coming up are

SatMarch 10th u21 FC V Castlegoold

SatMarch 16th SHL V Douglas

MondayMarch 18th Co MFL V Shamrocks, away at 2 o clock.

U21 FC, East CorkGrading.

It seems an absolutelyunexplainable decision to allow a combination of two clubs fielding Junior Footballteams to compete in the U21 B Football championship in East Cork. Lisgoold andCastlemartyr are forming a team named Castlegoold this season.  We will behard put to field a team and fair enough, if clubs want to join up for U21 butsurely they should then be graded A.

County Scor Final onSaturday Night.

Wetake to the boards in our first County Final of the year this weekend. AtBallyhooley recently in the Co Semi final our Nuachleas ‘The Course’ qualifiedfor the County Final. The cast is Betty Cahill, James Bermingham, Daniel Lane,William O Leary, John Arnold, Jonathon Brackett and Marie Gubbins. The CountyFinal is on in the Eire Og GAA Club Pavilion in Ovens on Saturday March the 2ndat 7pm. Support will be welcome. For patrons travelling to Ovens the NoveltyAct in which we participate will be on stage in the second half, some timeafter 8.30pm on the night.

Astro-Turf Available ToHire

TheAstro-turf pitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting JamesBermingham on 086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs €50per hour with lights. A reminder to all those who have pre-booked the facility,if for some reason your group cannot take up their allocated time slot pleaselet Club Officers know immediately.

GAA Season Tickets

The2013 GAA Season tickets are now on sale.  The Ticket combines admittanceto the National League games and first round championship game for either theCork Hurling and/or football teams. The Ticket represents a huge saving on theindividual ticket prices to each game. Full details on


Areminder that the Membership Fee for 2013 is now due. The Fee is €100 forplayers and €50 for ordinary Club membership. These are very difficult timesfinancially for so many people so if anyone wants to make arrangements to paythe Membership Fee in staged payments that will be acceptable.


Thenext Parish Development Car Boot Sale is on Sunday March 3rd. Help is requiredon the day and on Sat Morning March 2nd. The Rota for the helpers willhave been issued by now but any additional help is always welcome on the day.

Club Website

TheBride Rovers GAA Club website www.briderovers.ieis proving popular at home and abroad. If you have any ideas for improving thewebsite or suggestions for additions please contact us. Recently over 100 extraphotographs have been added in the Gallery Section as well as extra matchreports. If you have any old Club photos we would love to put them up on thewebsite so please contact any Club Officer. We have very few photographs fromthe 1940’s and 1950’s and would seek any GAA related pictures taken in theparish during this period. Even photos of groups or individuals at carnivals,tournaments or East Cork games would be very welcome. Also please remind familymembers scattered all over the world to log in and keep in touch.

Bride Rovers on Twitter

You can now  followus on twitter @BrideRoversGAA and thus get all the club news and reportssent directly to your phone.

Congrats Jerry

Congratulationsto Cloyne’s Jerry O Sullivan on his election recently as Vice Chairman of theMunster Council of the GAA. 

Set Dancing

SetDancing Classes are held at 8.30 each Wed night in the Rathcormac Inn.

 TheBride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece