MinorsWin in League
Our MinorFootballers had their first game in the County Rebel Og League last Sunday.Crosshaven from the Carrigdhoun Division were visitors to Pynes Field for a 2pm game. Our lad played exceptionally well and had a great win. Seven differentplayers contributed to the scoring honours with Colm Power getting animpressive 3 -1. It was a good start but we know we will have far toughergames to come in this competition. Our next game is away to Shamrocks . Thatfixturre is down for the weekend of March 2nd/3rd but may be brought to thisweekend. The final score inSundays game was Bride Rovers 3-11 Crosshaven 1-2
Team: 1:JBarry 2: P Noonan 3: S Cotter 4: J Buckley 5: S Walsh 6:: R Prendergast 7: WFinnegan8:Colm Howard 9: Cian Howard 10: D Lenihan11: D Moore 12: C Power SUBS:DJ Cahill J Connor Dylan Browne C O’ Grady Shane O’ Connor
Scorers: CianHoward 0-3 Colm Howard 0-1 W Finnegan 0-2 J Buckley 0-1 C Power 3-1 S Walsh 0-2D Lenihan 0-2.
Scor Success
On Sundaynight we were involved in the County Semi Final of the Scor Sinsear Competitionin Ballyhooley Community Centre. Our Novelty Act team had finished runners upin the Imokilly Division two weeks previously thus getting a semi-final spot.With a new script and an enhanced cast the Nuachleas named ‘The Course’qualified for the County Final. The cast was Betty Cahill, James Bermingham,Daniel Lane, William O Leary, John Arnold, Jonathon Brackett and Marie Gubbins.The County Final is on in the Eire Og GAA Club Pavilion in Ovens on Saturdayweek March the 2nd at 7pm.
Astro-Turf Available To Hire
The Astro-Turfpitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting James Bermingham on086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs €50 per hour withlights.
GAA Season Tickets
The 2013 GAASeason tickets are now on sale. The Ticket combines admittance to theNational League games and first round championship game for either the CorkHurling and/or football teams. The Ticket represents a huge saving on theindividual ticket prices to each game. Full details on www.gaa.ie/tickets
Car Boot Sale
The nextParish Development Car Boot Sale is on Sunday week March 3rd. Help is requiredon the day and on Sat Morning March 2nd.
Club Website
The BrideRovers GAA Club website www.briderovers.ieis proving popular at home and abroad. If you have any ideas for improving thewebsite or suggestions for additions please contact us.
Recently over 100 extra photographshave been added in the Gallery Section as well as extra match reports. If youhave any old Club photos we would love to put them up on the website so pleasecontact any Club Officer. We have very few photographs from the 1940’s and1950’s and would seek any GAA related pictures taken in the parish during thisperiod.
Even photos of groups or individualsat carnivals, tournaments or East Cork games would be very welcome. Also pleaseremind family members scattered all over the world to log in and keep in touch.
Set Dancing
Set DancingClasses are held at 8.30 each Wed night in the Rathcormac Inn.
The Bride Rovers GAAClub main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece