All Systems Go…
Despite the inclement weather it’s all systems go as various club teamsget back into training for the coming season. It’s at this time of tyear thatthe real value of our All Weather facility for training can be reallyappreciated as it allows players to practise in some degree of comfort. Afterso much rain in recent weeks it is very difficult to get matches played as mostfields are still unplayable.
On Saturdy February 2nd we were fixed to play Brian Dillons at 2 oclock in our first gameof the season but due to a Fixtures rearrangement thisgame was cancelled. Other fixtures in this competition are
Sat 2 March v Crosshaven, home
Sat 16 March v Lisgoold, away
Sat 24 March v Shamrocks, away.
The East Cork final of Senior Scor took place in Lisgoold on lastSunday night Feb 3rd. Interest in Scor has waned considerably in recent yearsbut nevertheless we had entries in three sections on the night, solo singing,novelty act and question time. Our Novelty act ‘No Burgers in Paris’ finished insecond place and will go through to the County Semi Final in Ballyhooley onSunday night week Feb 17th.
Training commenced last week and weather permitting we may have agame on Sunday.
Kildorrery ‘s Campaign Ends
Kildorrery bowed out of the All Ireland JHC at Leahy Park in Cashel onSunday week last when they were beaten by Thomastown of Kilkenny.
While it was disappointing the Kildorrery team and mentors canreflect on a superb year at Divisional, County and Provincial level. They canlook forward with confidence to playing hurling at Intermediate level in 2013.It’s great to see the interest being shown in the epic Junior Football AllIreland semi final between Kenmare Shamrocks of Kerry and Dublin’s Castleknock.Twice on successive weekends these sides have met in Mitchelstown Despite twoperiods of extra time no winner has emerged. This weekend both teams get toplay in Croke Park when the third game goes ahead at Headquarters on Saturdayevening..
Tráth nagCeist CLCG Coiste Chontae Chorcaí
Beidh Tráth nagCeist CLCG Coiste Chontae Chorcaí ar siúl i seomra an chumainn,Lúth-Chleas Gael, Baile an Easpaig de Céadaoin, 20ú Feabhra, 2013, ag 8in.
This quiz is the only event organised byCumann Lúth-Chleas Gael that is held completely as Gaeilge, and all clubs areasked to support it. Winning teams will progress to represent Cork in theMunster Final and hopefully National level.
You can support the Bride Rovers GAAClub Lotto as follows;
1Purchase a ticket each week from Club Members or in local Business outlets.
2Buy Tickets online at
3Purchase a yearly ticket, available at a reduced rate of €90
4Sell a book or a half book of Lotto tickets every week. The club is always anxiousto get new Lotto sellers- ‘many hands make light work’, if you are interestedin helping the Bride Rovers Club by buying or selling the weekly Lotto Ticketsplease contact any Club officer or member.
Astro-Turf available toHire
Theastro-turf pitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting JamesBermingham on 086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs €50per hour with lights.
GAA Season Tickets
The 2013 GAA Seasontickets are now on sale. The Ticket combines admittance to the NationalLeague games and first round championship game for either the Cork Hurlingand/or football teams. The Ticket represents a huge saving on the individualticket prices to each game. Full details on
Club Website
TheBride Rovers GAA Club website www.briderovers.ieis proving popular at home and abroad. If you have any ideas for improving thewebsite or suggestions for additions please contact us. Recently over 100 extraphotographs have been added in the Gallery Section as well as extra matchreports. If you have any old Club photos we would love to put them up on thewebsite so please contact any Club Officer. We have very few photographs fromthe 1940’s and 1950’s and would seek any GAA related pictures taken in theparish during this period. Even photos of groups or individuals at carnivals,tournaments or East Cork games would be very welcome. Also please remind familymembers scattered all over the world to log in and keep in touch.
Shanowen Players
Bestof luck and ‘break a leg’ to the Shanowen Players who present Synge’s ‘ThePlayboy of the Western World’ in Rathcormac hall on this Fri 8th and Sunday Feb10th. It is a brilliant production and well worth seeing.
Set Dancing
SetDancing Classes are held at 8.30 each Wed night in the Rathcormac Inn.
Well Done Loreto
Welldone to the Loreto Junior Ladies Football team on their great MunsterChampionship win on Sunday last in Cahir.
Car Boot Sale
Thefirst Car Boot Sale of 2013 for the Parish Development Fund took place lastSunday. Thanks to Club Members who helped on the day. We are always looking forvolunteers to give an hour or two on Car Boot Sale days each month so if youcan help please contact any Club Member. The Parish Development Fund hasprovided fantastic financial help for the Club in recent years.
TheBride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece