
Can the Ladies topple the Harlem Hurlers?

November 8, 2018

Girl Power Returned to the Clubrooms in the delightfull shape of Sugar and Spice, the senior ladies team who won the approval of The Club’s own F factor Judges Pj Maquire (Louie)  Joseie Keown (Sharon) Greg (Simon) McCartan, and Paula Clelland (Cherle), as well as the entire audience that packed the social club on Saturday 25th October to enjoy the much anticipated return of our annual search for a Star competition – the Club’s own F-Factor. Also through to the final are last years winners the Harlem Hurlers (senior hurlers), eliminated, the ‘Dung Beetles’ Second Footballers), and Black Magic (Thirds Footballers). Elimated were Committee hopefulls ‘Black Pack’
Fabulous performances and costumes by all contestants including 70 year old Finty McGreevy senior who was blamed for the Committee teams failure to make it through to the finals. Don’t miss Saturday the 29th of November for the second heat.
Once again the only way to ensure your act goes through is to vote them through. Given the success of the first heat, come early.