* The Annual Awards Evening will be held in Club Rooms on Saturday 25th February 2012. Tickets will cost £15 and the numbers will be limited. If you wish to book a table please contact Kevan Owens who is taking the bookings. Tickets are now on sale in the club. More details will be released in the next two weeks re the big night.
* The annual renewal of club membership fees are now due. It is important to remember that all players must have their membership renewed/insurances paid before they can play again in the new season.
* The Big Breakfast is certainly going down a treat with those involved in training in the Park on Sunday mornings. Thanks to Ollie, Miceal, Ciaran and Mickey for the excellent fare provided. It has gone down really well with all the boys and team managements involved. Last week we had a visiting club joining in which we were only too pleased to accommodate join us. Thank you for coming along and maybe we will see you again.
* Castlewellan returned to Bangor to continue their participation in the Down Under 10 indoor hurling blitz at the Eddie Irvine Centre. Three Castlewellan teams competed very well against quality opposition from within and outside the County. One team competed well against Ballymena A, Portaferry A and St Pauls putting in great displays. A second team went head to head with Carryduff, Ballymena B and Portaferry B. Again sterling displays all round by the young lads. Finally a third Castlewellan played their hearts out against Keady, Bredagh, Ballycran and Rossa. The team coaches are really pleased with the effort all the young lads are putting in. Well done and keep it up. The distance driven by our bus driver this week totalled over a thousand miles and getting home flawlessly. What is it when we tries to get up the hill in the minibus he just can’t do it! Your co-pilot wasn’t best pleased! Training continues on Thursday night. Full attendance required with another blitz next week. All players to meet at the Club at 10.45am next Sunday morning.
* The indoor hurling coaching sessions will continue on Thursday nights in St Malachy’s Primary School. Coaching will start at 6.15 pm for the Primary 2 to Primary 4 boys and the coaching for the Primary 5 boys and older will commence at 7.15pm. Indoor hurling gear is provided. Can we also ask that children do not wear black soled indoor shoes.
* The Senior Hurlers were to have played St Moninne’s Dundalk at the opponents venue last Saturday but alas the game was postponed due to a waterlogged pitch.
* As a reminder we would ask all those involved with teams who have in their possession any training equipment or jerseys to return them to the club as soon as possible. It will be greatly appreciated if this can be done quickly so a full audit of all club equipment can take place before the new season.
* The Spring Lake 10K is getting closer. The pace is heating up. Sadly there were some fallers or should I say failers for training on Saturday morning. My good friend Mr Sweeney showed them all up by turning up all alone to continue his quest to be the top committee man in the race. We all believe in you. I can hear the theme from Rocky! We are getting you a personal trainer for next Saturday morning. Mr Ward will be there 10.00 sharp. Apparently all other participating trainees had work commitments!
* Camogie training/coaching for the Under 10 girls continues in St Malachy’s Primary School on Wednesday Night from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. This will be followed from 7.00pm to 8.00pm with coaching training for the under 12 girls. All participants must ensure they bring their own bottle of water and indoor footwear. Please do not bring black rubber soles trainers.
* There will be training at the Bann Road Complex on Wednesday evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm for the junior camogs. All new, old and older players welcome!
* The Castlewellan GAC Running Club continues their runs on Tuesday and Thursday Night. All runners should meet at the Club at 6.45pm to begin running at 7.00pm. Again all those male, female, young and not so young are all invited to come along and there is even a cup of tea thrown in at the end with some great chat and banter.