
Castlewellan GAC

November 8, 2018

* Castlewellan attended the first Down Under 10 indoor hurling blitz of the year with two teams at the Eddie Irvine Centre, Bangor where both teams performed really well. The younger Under 10s won well against Carryduff and St. Paul’s, Belfast losing narrowly to Ballycran and Rossa. The older Under 10s put up some big scores against Portaferry twice and St. Paul’s twice losing narrowly against Rossa. Both teams showed lovely touches and stick work throughout and there is no doubt that they have benefitted from this first outing. Same again next week lads. Training continues on Thursday night. Full attendance required with blitz next week. Arrangements for the next indoor blitz will be confirmed at training. 

* The indoor hurling coaching sessions will continue on Thursday nights in St Malachy’s Primary School. Coaching will start at 6.15 pm for the Primary 2 to Primary 4 boys and the coaching for the Primary 5 boys and older will commence at 7.15pm. Indoor hurling gear is provided. Can we also ask that children do not wear black soled indoor shoes.

* The Senior Hurlers lost the first game in the Ulster Club Hurling League at home to Sarsefields. Missed penalties and and a great goaling chance spurned from open play certainly did not help the lads cause. In the end the margin of defeat was 4 points. “Saturday Night at Eight O’Clock I know where I’m gonna be”…Rumour has it that a certain member of the hurling fraternity Nitram Nwoek was spotted in the Landrover at the flicks on a romantic date with his better half on Saturday night. Don’t worry Nitram your name is well disguised. No one will work it out. Hopefully it helped getting over the disappointing result against Sarsfields. He will be going to see Hawai Five O next. Apparently the number is significant.

* As the new season begins we would ask all those involved with teams who have in their possession any training equipment or jerseys to return them to the club as soon as possible. It is important you do this to ensure that the club coaches have access to all the equipment we have. It will be greatly appreciated if this can be done quickly so a full audit of all club equipment can take place.

* It is good to see so many athletes young, old and new going about their preparations for the Spring lake Challenge on Sunday 25 March 2012. On Saturday past some of what I would say the older participants were out pounding the paths of the park. No doubt the resulting divets will be filled in by the powers that be. Good to see The Doc looking fit again…., Cills you’re getting there, Mr Chairman…heavy sigh and finally last but by no means least The Dump Truck whose name was chosen by his fellow runners is making terrific strides in his quest to be fit for the big day.

* The annual renewal of club membership fees are now due. It is important to remember that all players must have their membership renewed/insurances paid before they can play again in the new season.

* The Annual Awards Evening will be held in Club Rooms on Saturday 25th February 2012. Tickets will cost £15 and the numbers will be limited. Tickets are now on sale in the club.

* The Club’s dart throwers had a great 4 – 2 win over Annesborough Club on Friday Night past. The winning throwers were Jason Croskery, Michael Burns, Maurice Devlin and Luke Roberts. Big Paddy threw his game. I think it is because old loyalties die hard and he lives in the village. Don’t worry Paddy we still love you anyway!

* Camogie training/coaching for the Under 10 girls will continue in St Malachy’s Primary School on Wednesday Night from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. This will be followed from 7.00pm to 8.00pm with coaching training for the under 12 girls. All participants must ensure they bring their own bottle of water and indoor footwear. Please do not bring black rubber soles trainers.

* There will be training at the Bann Road Complex on Wednesday evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm for the junior camogs. All new, old and older welcome!

* The Castlewellan GAC Running Club continues their runs on Tuesday and Thursday Night. All runners should meet at the Club at 6.45pm to begin running at 7.00pm.