
Castlewellan GAC

November 8, 2018

* The final 500 club draw took take place last Saturday nightin the club. You will find the list of all the winners at 

*Commiserations to our Under 12½ Team who were beaten by Loughinisland on Sundayin the B Final. The young lads have progressed well this year and can be veryproud of themselves. Well done to everyone.

*The Under 20 Footballers were beaten by the narrowest of margins last Sunday awayto Bredagh. This will make qualification to the knockout rounds very difficult.

* Castlewellan Does Strictly Come Dancing is all hottingup. The veteran of many a good night in the Club Rory Mac (believe me there isonly one and he’s never below par!) and his dance partner Michelle Dorans werepracticing hard in the bar. Michelle and Rory rather naively told me how theywere going to blow everyone away with their two dances! I rather cunninglyneglected to inform them it was going into print. Meanwhile Jason (cue littleJason!) and McVeigh were at a spare end both awaiting their dance partners toarrive for practice. Oh the bug has caught as both of them started into a VienneseWaltz together! Neither of them were exactly Anton Du Bec. The dates for thisyear’s competition are 16th& 23rd November and the final on 7th December 2013.

* This Saturday November 2nd at 8pm there will be dinner and entertainmentin the Club for all juvenile coaches and helpers.

* Also annualClub mass for deceased members will take place on Saturday 22 November 2013.

* There arecoaching courses now available and anyone interested please contact JohnO’Neill and download application form from the website.

* Thank you to all those who attended the coaches meeting lastFriday night. The winter fun coaching programme willcommence in the main gym in St Malachy’s High School Castlewellan on Wednesday 6thNovember 2013 and run for six consecutive Wednesday nights until WednesdayDecember 11th. The session will be 1 hour long: P1to P4 inclusive will take place from 6pm to 7pm and P5 to P7 inclusive plus 1st years who are U12 will takeplace from 7pm to 8 pm. The cost of theprogramme will be £6 for 6 sessions. Thesessions are based around fundamentals and are for both boys and girlsinvolved in all codes. Everyone is welcome.

* Now the Darts Leagueis back in full flow the club lads have found themselves back in action. Earlyrumours about Chris Overend and Paddy Doc potentially transferring to Mooney’sand Annsborough respectively were put to bed (the respective bars didn’t wantthem!) & new man Alan McDonald signed up the first fixture of the seasonseen the lads win 4-2 over the bridge bar. The following week seen a convincing5-1 victory over ‘Annsborough B’ now leaving the lads joint top of division 2!Hopefully the lads can keep the run going and maybe Paddy might spend some ofhis recent money he won on the draw on new darts.

* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.