* This weekend was a busy one for some of ouryoungest juvenile member’s. On Saturday morning our under 10 footballer’stook part in a football blitz in St. Malachy’s Park against Drumaness, Bredagh& Carryduff. The boys performed strongly in all their games and had somefine displays throughout the panel – well done lads from all your coaches. Followingthe football blitz many of the panel travelled to Portaferry too represent the clubin the Gerard McGrattan Memorial Cup.
* Castlewellanhosted an Under 8 and Under 10 Camogie Blitz in St Malachy’s park on Sundaymorning, The under 8 girls were superb winning all three of their games andshowing great determination and passion for ones so young. Keep up the goodwork girls. The Under 10 girls played some great camogie to winning two out ofthree. Well done to all the girls. You are doing your club and your parents proud.A big thank you to all the parents who helped out with tea and refreshments.
* The under 6, under 8 and under 10 boy’s hurlers travelledto play in a tournament in Portaferry on Saturday last. The boys were verycompetitive in all their games giving it their all in their games againstBallygalget, Portaferry and Ballycran. A special word to our under 6 team AidanCorrigan, Aíne O’Neill, Conor Connolly, Finn McCann, Gerard Doran, Hugh Rice,John O’Neill, Mia Dillon, Ryan Walsh & Sheá Connolly performedbrilliantly and were unbeaten in all their games. Well done boys and girls. Thank you to all who travelled and helped out onthe day. Your assistance as always is greatly appreciated. Also a word of appreciation to Portaferry for their hospitality onthe day.
* Congratulations to the club’s latestnewly-weds Daniel and Aine Morgan who are off on their honeymoon in sunnierclimes. You both will not read this until you get home but the senior ladiesand men’s footballers managed to win a couple of games without you! A disgraceI know but sure the oul’ treadmills in those excellent hotels will keep you fitfor the games coming up when you get home! We all hope you will have had agreat time!
* Following the disappointing defeat toBurren last time out the senior footballers started their Championship campaignoff with a win over Annaclone. It was a good performance. Next game up will beagainst The Liatriom Fontenoys in Kilcoo this Saturday Night at 7.30pm. LocalDerby championship matches are always tight and this game will be no different.Again we would encourage you all to come along and support the lads in this theirsecond championship outing.
* CastlewellanGAC will once again be running their annual three monthly draw. The draws willtake place on 31 August, 28 September and 26 October 2013. Please contact anymember of the committee if you wish to purchase a ticket. This draw contributesto finance our ongoing developments necessary to facilitate the growing demandfor Gaelic sport in the Town and Parish. We would urge as many members aspossible to support this draw.
* A play withlocal slant written by local playwright Kieran Milligan featuring some wellknown local faces around the Club will be performed in the Club on 27 and 28September 2013. Make sure you put thisin your diaries. Further details of the play will be released in the comingweeks.
* And like theseasons that come around Castlewellan GAC Come Dancing is on the horizon once more.We will shortly be taking names again and starting rehearsals for this years’ competition.The guys and girls who competed last year committed themselves to the event andthis was what made it such a great success. Anyone interested please contactCillian, Brian or Ronan. Don’t worry these guys will probably contact you! Thereis also a new exciting format this year also. So start thinking, start jivingwith the door and a few twirls when you are cutting the garden and start dancin!
* Please note coachingand training times for this week. On Tuesday 20 August Under 8 & Under 10training at the Bann Road 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Saturday 17 August 10.00am-10.45amSt Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1 & P2 Hurling and Camogie. 10.00am-10.45am StMalachy’s Park P3-P7 Camogie. 10.00am-11.00am St Malachy’s Park U12 BoysHurling. 10.45am-11.30am St Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1 and P2 Boys Football andGirls Football. TBC St Malachy’s Park P5/P6 Hurling Blitz. Saturday 18 August Nursery, P1 and P2 plus Camogie up toUnder 12.
* A reminder that the bingo will take place again on Sunday25 August in the club at 3.00pm.
* The AttackFitness Circuits will continue in The Club this Thursday evening at 7.00pm. Therewill also be classes in St Malachy’s Park on Saturday mornings at 9.00am.
* The weekly Castlewellan AC weekly runscontinue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.