* In last week’s notes we highlighted the fantastictheatrical performances of our members with their production of Mrs Brown’sBoys. One of the lines often used when the wheels come off in a performance isthat no matter what the show must go on. I would relate that to the totallysporting theme this week and take our hats off to our Senior Ladies Footballersand the Under 16 boys who both lost out this weekend in their respectivechampionship matches which ended their seasons.
* In Belfast the Senior Ladies Footballers took on theAntrim Champions St Pauls in the first round of the Ulster Senior Ladies FootballChampionship. Sadly it was a game the ladies were always chasing after a poorstart. This was not the signal to give up. On the contrary, the girls gave ittheir all. Perhaps when you are chasing the game the decisions don’t go withyou. There were a plethora of missed chances some of which need to be convertedto determine the course of the game. In the end the ladies lost by eightpoints. Well done to Jim, Niall and Geraldine and all the ladies. Whilst it wasa disappointing defeat, it is the only trophy you didn’t win this year havingannexed the Senior Championship, The Senior League and The Feis Sevens. It wasn’t exactly an unsuccessful year. Thankyou for the games you entertained us in with great skill and endeavour. Youwill be back.
* The Under 16 Boys were well beaten in the County Under 16BChampionship Final in Ballykinlar against Glenn. No-one can knock the hugeeffort the lads put in against a strong Glenn Team whose Full Forward GerardBagnall put in an hour’s football were everything he touched turned to gold, atruly exceptional performance from a young lad. I mentioned earlier that when the wheels come off the show must go on. At21 minutes in the game it was a one point game. Two goals in a minute changedthe game completely. A third one on the stroke of half time and the hill justgot more difficult to climb. The lads needed a goal which just didn’t come. Itwould have been easy to drop the head, the lads didn’t do that they battled onright to the end. Well done to Declan Fitzpatrick and all the lads. You workedvery hard this year and you deserve a lot of credit. It may seem silly butthere was a victory of sorts, the lads never gave up and the hurt at the endwas obvious. The old saying, “if it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t matter”. You havedone your club and your families proud. Well done for all your efforts.
* There was 2 minutes of added on time, we had the wind on ourbacks and Big Aidy launched one last missile from 40 yards out on the wing. Theresultant score levelled the game. The kick out came and the game was over. Wasit a point gained or a point lost against Clonduff on a wet and Windy WednesdayNight in Hilltown. If the truth be told if felt at the time as if it was apoint lost. As the weekend results unfolded, Burren lost to Loughinislandgiving The Town a right of passage into the League Division One Final for thefirst time in 10 years. We will play the winners of Burren and Kilcoo from the semi-final.A gale force wind blowing from one end of the pitch to the other throws up theoldest of clichés “a game of two halves”. Clonduff playing for their Division Onelife against a team needing to get the points to keep the pressure on Burren& Kilcoo and a possible League Final place. Clonduff where out of theblocks quickly though the Town’s finishing let them down. We were containing TheYella’s but conceded 1-3 in the last five minutes of the first half leaving us trailingby nine points. A much better attitude and added attacking flair brought usback into the game. In a game which meant a lot to both teams it was topseyturvey with boys out on their feet near the end. So Big Aidy’s last gasp scoremeant in the end a precious point gained. A point which carries us into the LeagueFinal. The lads are deservedly there having been consistent in their performancesfor most of the year. It will be difficult against the two county finalists thewinners from which without any doubt will wear the favourites tag. Well done tothe lads.
* The young lads beat Saul in the Under 12 ½ Championshipon Sunday past. Well done to Aidy and the boys on what was a great performanceall round.
* St Malachy’s Park hosted the three County Under 14 Finalslast Saturday. Anyone who was there will have witnessed three absolutelycracking games. To the winners An Riocht, Ballyholland and Burren wecongratulate you and to St Johns, Kilcoo and Bredagh well done though it is noconsolation for your contribution to those fabulous nerve racking games. Thankyou to all the committee and club members who put in a sterling stint on Saturdayin St Malachy’s Park.
* The AttackFitness Circuits will resume this week on Thursday evening at 7.00pm onWednesday in the Club and on Saturday
* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.