
Castlewellan GAC Notes

November 8, 2018

* There was the sad news this week with passing onSunday morning of our Life Member and former player Cahal Keown. Cahal playedhis football with the Town for many years and gave great service to the Club. Hisquiet demeanour off the pitch was in contrast to his attitude in the arena ofthe game where the scribe of this column and others were always glad he wasthere backing us up. He will be sadly missed. The Executive Committee and Memberswish to express their deepest sympathy to his wife Roisin, son Gareth andDaughter Deborah all of whom are life members of Our Club. We also extend oursympathies to his brothers Danny and Michael who are also Life Members of ourCluband to the wide family circle on their sad loss. Ar dheis de go raibh a anamdilis.

* Saturday morning past sawthe coming together of the members and friends of Castlewellan GAC at a BigBreakfast morning in the club. As you are all aware The Doyle Family and ourfellow Gaels of the Liatroim Fontenoys lost Ryan tragically in Australia over a fortnight ago. Wewould like to thank all those who contributed to hosting the morning, those whoattended and those who sent in contributions as they could not be there inperson. The generosity of our community knows no bounds. The total sum raisedby you the members and friends was £2000. Thank you. Castlewellan GAC was onlytoo glad to facilitate the generosity of you all.

* Our AnnualGeneral Meeting took place last Thursday evening in the clubrooms. Thank you toall who attended on what was a very cold evening. The following were elected asofficers: Chairman, Rory McCabe, Vice Chairman, Kevin Sweeney; Secretary, BrianDougherty; Assistant Secretary, terry Connolly; Treasurer, Brian O’Neill;Assistant Treasurer, Cillian Keaveney; Registrar, Ronan King; PRO, MartinMcClean; Additional Committee Members Gerry Dougherty, Moira Hawkins, MicealCrilly, Ollie Doyle, Liam Sloan, Gary Cairns, Paul Connolly, Aidan Rodgers, FrancieMcAlinden, Paul McArdle, Cormac McCabe, Danny McCartan, John McCartan FintanMcGreevy Snr, John O’Neill, Kevan Owens, Paul Hanna and Ciaran Brannigan. Thefirst meeting of the new committee will be on Thursday 6 December in the Clubat 8.30pm.

* The County Scor na nóg Champions The CastlewellanInstrumental Group represented Club & County last Saturday Night at the UlsterSemi-Final which was held in Saval. Unfortunately they did not make it throughto the Ulster Final despite putting on a first class show. They gave it theirall. We are all proud of what they have done and achieved and they should feelthe same way. Well done to Niamh Howell, MiadhachlughainO Donnell, Ciara Maguire, Niamh Bloomer and Ruairi Howell, You represented yourClub and County with pride and distinction.

* Congratulationsto St Malachys Primary School who were successful at the Cumann na mBunscolNational Awards in Croke Park last Friday night. They were declared the best inIreland for their promotion of Gaelic Games in the large school category. Thisis the first time this title has come to County Down. Principal Maurice O’Neillaccepted the award on behalf of everyone in the school. An obviously delightedMaurice put the success down to his hard working staff members which includedclub member Cormac McCabe who were responsible for preparing the submission.The judges had short listed the entries down from forty to three. For StMalachy’s to be awarded first place is a tremendous achievement. Thesubmission was described as outstanding by the judges. Maurice paid tribute toformer parents of children in the school our club members Noreen Keown andLaurence McAlinden who give generously of their time voluntarily to helppromote Gaelic Games amongst all the pupils. Well done to everyone in theschool. We here in the Club are only too appreciative of the fantastic workthat is being done by St Malachy’s and all the schools in our parish.

* Someone once said “When it comes to the requirements for pleasing anaudience, all the knowledge and instruction and apparatus in the world is worthless than one ounce of soul”. Yes Saturday night saw thesecond of The Castlewellan Come Dancing Semi-Finals take place to anotherpacked house. As in last week’s show the audience were delighted with theperformances of the dancers who entertained us all so well. Even if it did notgo to script at times, no one cared. If it went wrong then the dancers liketrue troupers of the stage picked themselves up hence the show must go on. Fromno one putting baby in the corner to Gangnam Style. From 007 to a gracefulwaltz, everyone was enthralled with the show the dancers put on. Our JudgesJosephine Brennan-King, Gemma Blayney and our own Ciaran Crilly and Club ChairmanRory McCabe again did a terrific job though this week they had their work cutout more than usual. After the exit from the competition of Ben Rice and hiswife Grainne  and Shannon McCavery &Aidan Brogan who danced so magnificently the whole night it came down to an unexpectedending. Ciara Stratton & Gregory McCartan and Amy Brannigan & RayCunningham had filled the first two qualifying places. There was a dead heat. Thejudges then had to decide who would stay in the competition. The two verypopular couples Claire Dougherty & Harry Toner and Kirsty McAleese &Ronan King found themselves at the mercy of the judges. It came down to thewire with head judge Josephine who had the casting vote confirming that itwould be Kirsty and Ronan going through to the final. What a finale to theevening and an unenviable job for the judges. So to the Final on Saturday 15December 2012. Expect to see frenetic dance activity around the club from nowuntil then. It is the last push and the last chance for all the couple whoqualified for the final to fine tune their routine. There will be war in theMcCartan household when Sinead & Gregory square off against each other. Thefake tan, fake hair fake eyelashes lying round their house. Sinead make sureGregory cleans up after him! Details of tickets for the final will be releasedthis week. Watch out for our Facebook page and the Club website

* TheWinter Fun Coaching continues on Monday evenings. Again we encourage andwelcome as many parents as possible to help with the coaching. The programmewill continue on Monday evenings. Please feel free to still come along and joinin. The times are as follows; P1 to P4 6.00pm to 7.00pm and P5 to P7 7.00pm to8.00pm.

* Therewill be a darts exhibition in the Club on Saturday Night when the World RankedNo 9 Terry Jenkins nicknamed “The Bull” will be on the oche. The 2011 WorldSemi Finalist will play against some of the local talent. So if you fancy yourchances against “The Bull” come on up to the Club and see what you can do. HeyJason and Luke let’s see how good you are!* The numbers in this week’s lotto were 1, 4 9, 15. Therewere no jackpot winners and one £20 winners; Emily McAlinden. Jackpot next weekis £2700.