*There was shock and sadness far and wide at thesudden passing of young Conal Baldwin from the An Riocht Club on Christmas Eve.Conal’s father Joe was a former club member and was part of our senior hurling team.It was evident that his hurling skills and the love of all things GAA had beenpassed to Conal. The Executive Committee and Members of our Club wish to extendour deepest sympathy to Joe, Joanne & Darragh and the wide family circle onthis sad occasion. Go dtuga Dia suaimhneas na beatha síoraí dá anam uasalgaelach.
*The Annual Juvenile awards took place lastFriday Night in a packed main hall in the Club. Thank you to our guests AineKeown, member of our Senior Ladies Team, Rory Burns member of the successfulDown Minor Hurling Squad, Kevin Duffin from The Down Senior Panel, Kelly O’Higgins& Karen McMullan who played for Down in The All-Ireland Camogie Final in2012 and Michael Cunningham our Senior Football Goalkeeper and County under 21Player. They all presented the awards to our young members. They all are agreat example to our young members and proof of where discipline, determinationand dedication can lead you in your sporting life. The winners were as follows;The Under 12 Girls Footballer Of The Year is shared between Amy Barr and NadineMcAleenan. The Under 14 Girls Footballer Of The Year – Catriona Caldwell. Under16 Ladies Footballer ofthe Year – Aoife Keown. Under 12 FootballPlayer of the Year – Daniel Cunningham and Daire McVeigh. Under 12 MostImproved Football Player of the Year – Conor Robb. Under 14 Football Player ofthe year – Joe Cunningham. Under 14 Most Improved Football Player – CathalCaldwell. Under 16 Football Player of the Year – Sean Hardy. Most FootballImproved Under 16 Football Player – Chris King. Under 12 Hurler Of The Year –Eoin Maginn and Daire McVeigh. Under 12 Most Improved Hurler of the Year –Calum McCabe. Under 14 Hurler of the Year – JoeCunningham. Under 14 Hurling Trainer of theyear – Ruairi Toner. Under 16 Hurlerof the Year – Jake Carville. Under 16 Most Improved Hurler of the Year– Gareth Devlin. Under 12 Camogie Trainer Of The Year is sharedbetween Amy Barr and Erin McVeigh. The Under 12 Camogie Player of theyear – Emma Croskery. Joint Under 14 Camogie Player of the Year – CatrionaCaldwell and Caitlin Small. Under 16 Camogie Player of the Year – Clare Cleland.A special thank you and great credit must go to Terry Connolly who did all thework in getting everything ready for the night. Thanks also to brian Cunninghamwho took all the photograph on the night. Finally thank you to Rory Burns &Caoimhe Kelly whom concluded the event by performing their winning dances whichmade them this year’s Castlewellan GAC Come Dancing Champions.
* Thank you to all the children, parents and friends whom attendedthe Christmas Fun Walk followed by Family Quiz back in the club on last Fridayafternoon. The event was a great success with special thanks going to everyonewhom assisted. A special thanks goes to our quiz mistress Lorna Cunningham.
* Hurling coaching will begin on Thursday 3rdJanuary in St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm for all P5, P6 & P7 andYear 8 boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013. The first of the Down Under 12indoor hurling blitzes will take place on Sunday 6th January when wehave two teams entered to play in Newry and Banbridge. All eligible players areto meet at club on Sunday at 11.00am.
* Tickets arenow out for the Down Development draw for 2013. The first monthly draw willtake place in January 2013. Castlewellan GAC are required to sell 20 tickets.If any of our members wish to purchase those tickets can you please do sothrough the Club. Any tickets sold over and above that then the club willattract approximately 74% of the takings come back to the club.
* The Down YearBook for 2012 is also now on sale from the Club at £10 each.
* A reminderthat all underage players will need to wear gum shields starting Jan 1st 2013.More information will be available on this shortly.
* The winners of the third and final monthly 500Club Draw which took place on 22 December can be found on our website www.castlewellangac.com.
* There will be an underagedisco in the Club On Thursday 3rd January. It will start at 7.00pm to 9.30pmfor the age groups 5 years to 10 years. The disco for 11 Years to 16 years willbe from 9.00pm to 11.30pm. The cost is £3.00 per child with the cost reducingto £2.00 for the second and subsequent child in each family.