* This has been a sad week for two of our families in the Club. The Executive Committee and Members of Caislean An Mhuilinn wish to extend our sympathies to the McArdle and McElroy Families on the death of John McArdle and Shan McElroy. John McArdle was the father of our Member Terry and Grandfather of our players Ruairi and Sarah. Shan McElroy (nee Owens) was the sister of our esteemed member Seamus Owens. We wish to extend our sympathy to both wide family circles. Mary Queen of the Gael pray for them. Ar dheis de go raibh a anam dilis.
* All year we have reported on the sporting battles on the field of play here in St Malachy’s Park and further afield. With the winter upon us some of our members have taken to the indoor sporting exploits in the world of Darts. On Friday night past a fixture took place which in previous years if on the football field would have roused hundreds to come and watch. Debutants Castlewellan GAC played Annsborough
* Another reminder that the Club’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm in the club rooms.
* The Club website is now partially up and running. The website address is www.castlewellangac.com. You will be able to access the Weekly Notes under Latest News. This will also enable our members far and wide to access the goings on around the club.