*The Under14 Hurling Team headed to Warrenpoint last Saturday for the 2013Féile. In poor conditions the lads battled hard but just came up short againstClonduff 2-0 to 0-3 and against Shamrock’s by 2-4 to 1-2. The battlingperformance of the team augurs well for the season ahead. The slippy conditions made it hard to hold ahurl yet everyone coped admirably and with a little more luck in front of goalthey could well have turned the large amount of possession into more scores.Hard luck lads. Training Tuesday at 6.15 pm. Hurling Training for P5/P6/P7 boysis at 6.15pm on Wednesday at the Bann Road.
*The Senior Reserve Footballers had a mixed weekend in the All County PremiereReserve League Division 1. On Friday night past they visited Saval and recordedan emphatic victory over their hosts in a game they played very well rompinghome with quite a bit to spare. On Sunday fortunes were reversed when theyplayed Burren at Derryleckagh. In what was a very tight game the lads lost outby a single point in an exciting game against the team favourites to win that League.
* This Sunday will see the Feisbeing held in St Malachy’s Park. We are fortunate to be represented by ourMinor and Senior Footballers in The Sevens Finals against Mayobridge andClonduff respectfully. The best of luck to all the lads. It was 1989 when welast had both teams in the final in the same year. We are also happy to recordthat we won both competitions that day in what was a very sunny Newcastle. Wehope this occasion will be blessed with good weather for everyone participatingat the Feis.
* The training Schedule for theweek is as follows; Thursday May 23rd 6.30pm-7.30pm Bann Road P3-P5Hurling. Friday May 24th 5.00pm-6.00pm St Malachy’s Park U12 Boys Football.Saturday May 25th 10.00am-10.45am St Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1 and P2 Hurlingand Camogie. 10.00am-10.45am St Malachy’s Park P3-P7 Camogie.10.00am-11.00am StMalachy’s Park U12 Boys Hurling. 10.45am-11.30am St Malachy’s Park Nursery, P1and P2 Boys Football and Girls Football. TBC – St Malachy’s Park P3/P4 FootballBlitz. TBC – St Malachy’s Park
* The Attack Fitness Circuitswill continue in The Club on Wednesday at 7.00pm.
* There have been a few enquiriesas to when the new club gear that club members have ordered will be availablefor collection. When the order arrives and is sorted we will let everyone knowwhen they can collect their orders.
* We are now in that traditionaltime of year when our young (and some not so young!) members are involved inexams in High School, Universities, Night Classes and Colleges. We wish themall the best of luck at this important time in their academic careers. Onething for sure is that they will not be missing the good weather while they arestudying!