* The final 500 club draw will take place this Saturday nightin the club. Draw returns can be given to Brian O’Neill next Friday night inthe club. He will be there from 8.30pm to around 10.00pm. We encourage everyoneto get all their returns in early on Saturday night so as to facilitate theorganising of the draw.
* Castlewellan Does Strictly Come Dancing again in a fewweeks time. All twelve couples are in training and giving it their best shot.More details will be released in the next few weeks in relation to the dancers.As you know this is a fund raising venture where all the dancers are gatheringup as many sponsors as they can. If you can help in any little way it will bemuch appreciated by the dancers and indeed your club.
* There will be a meeting of all Juvenile Coaches from allcodes on Friday October 25th at 8.30pm in the Social Club. It is important thatall coaches attend. The meeting will last for a maximum of one hour. If you areunavailable please contact John O’Neill on 07711 738610 or email oneilljohnj@yahoo.co.uk.
* The winter fun coaching programme willcommence in the main gym in St Malachy’s High School Castlewellan on WednesdayNovember 6th and run for six consecutive Wednesday nights until WednesdayDecember 11th. The session will be 1 hour long: P1 to P4 inclusive will takeplace from 6pm to 7pm and P5 to P7 inclusive & first years who are U12 willtake place from 7pm to 8 pm. The cost of the programme will be £6 for 6sessions. The sessions are based around fundamentals and are for both boysand girls involved in all codes. Everyone is welcome.
* There will be Bingo in the Club this Sunday 26October at 3.00pm. Please come along and support this event.
* This Saturday 26thOctober 2013 Dromara GAC will host their first 7-A-SideSocial Football Tournament. If there is anyone interested in playing in thecompetition please contact Conor McCann, Shay Flanagan or Terry Connolly. Thisis for adults who do not play competitive football. There is no lower age limiteither. Ulster GAA are promoting Social Gaelic Football Tournaments as part ofa drive to engage those club members who don’t feature for club senior orreserve teams in competitive leagues. More than likely this group consists ofover 35s but basically anyone who wants to play for a bit of fun and enjoymentand wants to keep fit can participate. There are two major rules govern theplaying of social football: only incidental contact is permitted (basically noshouldering so the risk of injury is reduced) and players are restricted to twotouches (2 x solo or 1 x solo and 1 x bounce).
* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.