Get Your Tickets
Tickets are now on sale for the Killala Fc Annual Awards Night.There will be stacks of awards to be handed out on the night as well as medals to victorious U14 boys & Girls , U16 girls and Mens team. Come along and help us celebrate our ” Club of the Year ” award and remember a successfull 2009. So its Saturday night 27th February in The Merry Monk Ballina @ 9pm , Tickets only €5
Back in Training
With an eye on the new season the U12 Boys are back training this Tuesday 23rd Feb. and every Tuesday 6pm to 7pm and the U14 Boys recommence Monday 1st March and every Monday 7pm tp 8pm at Courthouse St. The Mens team are back on Tuesdays & Fridays at 8.30pm and Sundays at 12pm. All new players very welcome.