The club AGM was held last Sunday in front of a large & energetic crowd. All aspects of the past and upcoming year were discussed and the following officers were elected for 2008
Presidents; Gerry Blake, Brendan Murtagh, Herbie Shekleton, Andy O’ Reilly, Sean Farrelly,
Fr Sean Henry.
Vice Presidents; Austin Carolan, Tommy Martin, Phil Smith, Dr. John McMahon, Patsy Sherlock, Hilda McCormack.
Chairman – Jim McGovern
Vice Chairman – Eugene Reilly
Secretary – Mary Farrelly
Vice Secretary – Philip Farrelly
Treasurer – Frank Boylan
Vice Treasurer – Jimmy McIntyre
Development Officer – Tommy Reilly
P.R.O. – Niall Reilly
Vice P.R.O. – Colm Kieran
Cultural Officer – waiting until Feb meeting to elect officer.
Hurling Officer – Willie Gaughan
Coaching Officer – Pat Faulkner
Registrar – Gabriel Patterson
Insurance Officer – Mattie Kennedy
County Board Delegates – Donal Reilly, Thomas McCabe.
With Senior, Junior and Minor training all due to start shortly, it is hoped that 2008 will prove to be a most successful year for the club.
· The collection for Motor Neuron Disease taken up by the football club last weekend amounted to €1,129. Thank you to all collectors and contributors.
· Membership fee’s are now due and can be paid to any club officer or at M&F’s or Pat Faulkner’s shop.
· The new management teams for our U16’s & Minor were announced:
Minors – Dr John , Peter McKeon, Michael Farrelly, and Eugene Reilly.