
Club News

November 8, 2018

Players & Members Registration Night

With the 2009 playing season about to begin, it is vital that all players are fully paid up members for the year. No players can play in any grade of hurling or football for the club unless the correct membership fee is paid before any game is played. The Players Injury Scheme which is administrated by the GAA at National Level covers players while playing Gaelic games but only if they are paid up members of their own individual clubs. In previous years we have had problems with the non-payment of fees. This year it is very simple in sofar as that if players have not the 2009 membership fee paid, they cannot play for Bride Rovers. To facilitate the payment of the membership fees a Registration Night is being held in the Clubroom at 7.30 on this Friday night February 6th. Players from minor, U-21, junior and senior as well as ordinary Club members can pay their fees on the night and are urged to do so. The cost of affiliating the club for the 2009 season are close on €10,000 so we make a special appeal at t his time to all our players and supporters to join up. If you have never been a member of the club before, we now invite you to join and support the promotion of Gaelic Games in the parish.

The membership fees for 2009 are as follows:

Adult Players     €100

Students            €40

Minors & OAP €30

Ordinary club Membership €50