Lotto Results
Date: 28st June.
Jackpot: €1,800
Numbers: 10, 16, 25, 27
Jackpot: €1,800
Numbers: 10, 16, 25, 27
Jackpot: €1800 No Winner
€100 Winners: John Egan, K. Loran
Next week’s jackpot €2000 draw in Clubhouse.
If you are not currently subscribing to our lotto, the weekly club lotto is available to play online at our website.
You can also register online to receive our free weekly email which includes lotto results and club notes.
Please spread the word to Na Dunta Gaels around the country and the world, encourage them to play lotto online.
If you haven’t registered yet you can register at any training session.
Underage Training
Underage training ( from under 12s down) Friday evening at 6.30
Bingo continues every Friday at 8.30, come along and bring a friend for an enjoyable nights entertainment.
Web Site
The Web site is in service and is updated regularly
New Stand
Photographs of the new stand can be viewed on
Under 10s
Team Black recorded one win and one defeat in their Mullingar Area League double header against St. Malachy’s Ballinagore in Castletown Geoghegan on Saturday morning last. Panel: Adam Conneely, Cathal Dagg, Eoghan Egerton, Paul Flynn, Stephen Haugh, Joshua Heneghan, Luke Maguire, Mark Nugent, Hugh O’Connor, Adam Smith, Gary Wynne, Stephen Wynne, Reese Barton, Jonathan Lynam, Trevor Martin, Shane Murtagh, Oisin Raleigh, David Smyth.
Provisional under 10 fixtures for July (both panels unless noted otherwise) : Sat 3rd: home to Shandonagh; Sat 10th away to Longford Slashers; Tues 13th away to Multyfarnham (Team Black); Sat 17th: home to Mullingar Shamrocks; Sat 24th home to Trim. As usual fixtures will be confirmed by at training and by text – please reply to text messages so we know who is available.
Junior Championship The Downs 1:6 St lomans 1:14
Team: Joe Martyn, Kevin Bell, Fergal Fagan, Mark Leavy, Conor Carley, Ben Hogan, Alan Finch, David O’Reilly, Larry O’Donoghue, Kevin Smullen, Shane Deering, Niall O’Doherty, Mickey Murtagh, Niall Folan, Trevor McCormack. Subs Used: Niall Murray, Paul Shanley, Brendan Cleary, Shane Carroll.
Div 4 Friday 2nd July V Castledaly away @ 7.30
Div 1 Sunday 4th July V Mullingar Shamrocks away @ 12
Minor: V Coralstown/Kinnegad away Wednesday 30th @ 7.30
Club Gear
Club Gear including Togs and Socks can be purchased or ordered at underage training on Fridays. New this year are football gloves with The Downs crest special introductory price €8 for underage and €12 for adult sizes. New polo’s, tee-shirts and wind-cheaters will be available shortly.
500 Club Draw
The second of the Four Draws was on Saturday last winners were:
€3000 – Gareth Murphy, €1000 – Johnny Murray, €500 x 3 – Patrick& Dawn Quinn, Frank & Mai O’Hara and Enda Feeney, €250 x 4 Kathleen & Seamus Quinn, Mary Nolan, Michael Wallace, Barry Miley, Design Office Technical Engineering.
We extend our sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of the late Mary Bennett The Downs, a minutes silence was observed before the game on Saturday in Mary’s honour.
The Downs Ladies Football
Remember you have to be registered to play. You can register with any coach or in The Shop.
Underage training ( from under 12s down) on Friday evenings 6.30
Under 14 on Monday evenings @ 7
Under 16, 18 and Junior adult Tuesday and Fridays @ 7.30