
Club notes for week commencing 28th January 2013

November 7, 2018

Lotto Results 28/01/13
Jackpot 1: €14,000
Numbers drawn: 1, 4, 16, 20
Result: no winner
2 x €100 winners: Susan O’Brien, Michael Gaffney.
Jackpot 2: €7000
Numbers drawn: 5, 10, 15, 25
Result: 2 winners: Aoife Rowan and Seamus Downes who receive  €3500 each congratulations.
Next week’s draws will take place in the clubhouse with jackpots of €14,000 and €1,000.

Updated Club Text MessageService
We arecontinuing with our text message service via TEAMER 51001 which we use tonotify members regarding various club activities. If you wish to avail of thisservice, please text your name and number to 087 8362297.These messages are freeto receive and a reply is not required. We currently have over 300 subscribersbut would like to extend it further to ensure all our supporters are kept up todate. If you no longer wish to receive these messages then please text STOPwith your name and number to 087 8362297. We want to avoid unnecessaryduplication where several copies of the one message are going to the samehousehold.

Weekly newsletter email
You can register to receive our free weeklynewsletter email at our lotto website – just search for TheDowns. The newsletter is sent every Monday night and includes that night’slotto results and club notes.
Face bookyou can now keep up to date with the club’s activities on our new FACEBOOKpage:  and TWITTER @TheDownsGAA.
No Mouthguard – No Playing No Training
It willbe mandatory to use a mouthguard in all football matches and training sessionsfrom January 1st 2013 (for all age grades up to and including minor) and at U21and Adult level from January 1st 2014. If you opt for a custom fittedmouthguard, Dentist Michael Drury of Mary Street Mullingar (tel 04493 48213)will offer a discount to our players – mouthguards are available in clubcolours or clear. More information on our website and facebook page.
Presentation Night
OnSaturday night our Senior B champions received their medals, presented by newlyelected County Chairman Sean Sheridan who spoke on how – club fixtures will beone of his priorities during his term in office.
Bingo continues every Friday at 8.30, comealong and brings a friend for an enjoyable night’s entertainment.
Reminder that aDefibrillator is located at the clubhouse on at the external wall of theentrance porch.
To purchase any club gear contact Carmel at087 9496347.
Full brochure available on our website andfacebook page

The Downs Ladies Football
Clothes Collections
TheLadies Football are collecting bags of clothes as a fundraiser, so you can nowde- clutter and help the club raise funds. Bags of clothes can be left with anyteam coach or committee member or in The Shop. Please ask family, neighbours,friend and co-workers to fill a bag.

Medal Presentation
OnSaturday last we celebrated our successful 2012 with our medal presentation.County Chairperson Geraldine Giles did the honours presenting the teams withtheir medals. The night was a great success with a large crowd of playersparents and supporters filling the hall and enjoying the recognition of theplayers achievements.
Our mostsincere thanks to Sharon Hynes and herteam of helpers who served the large attendance with a lovely meal and put in a hard nights work ensuring  the event was a success. Well done to the intermediate team players who decoratedthe hall giving it a party atmosphere.