Lotto Results 31/12/12
Jackpot 1: €14,000
Numbers drawn: 18, 21, 26, 28
Result: no winner
2 x €100 winners: Liam Connaughton, John Nolan.
Jackpot 2: €6200
Numbers drawn: 12, 14, 19, 27
Result: no winner.
Jackpot 1: €14,000
Numbers drawn: 18, 21, 26, 28
Result: no winner
2 x €100 winners: Liam Connaughton, John Nolan.
Jackpot 2: €6200
Numbers drawn: 12, 14, 19, 27
Result: no winner.
Next week’s draws will take place in Mary Lynch’s with jackpots of €14,000 and €6,400.
If you are not currently subscribing to our lotto, the weekly club lotto is available to play online at our website. You can also register online to receive our free weekly email which includes lotto results and club notes. Please spread the word to Na Dunta Gaels around the country and the world, encourage them to play lotto online. An annual lotto ticket for €100 (with 2 weeks free) can be bought on line or from Matt Carley or Anthony Rowan.
Senior B Final
The Downs 1:15 Bunbrosna 0:7
On Saturday we captured the Senior B championship with an impressive display for this time of the year. The Downs got on to the scoreboard within minutes of the start and playing with a slight breeze dominated the scoring in the first half scoring 1:7 to 0:0. Bunbrosna aided with the breeze were able to convert their possession into scores but The Downs continued to pick off points to win with an impressive score. County chairman Sean Sheridan presented the sheild to team captain Declan Lynam. Team: Kevin McGuire, Brendan Flynn, Declan Lynam, Trevor McCormack, Niall Murray, Shane Egerton, Shane Raleigh, PJ Maguire, Vincent Conneely, Sean Loughlin, Cathal Scally, Kevin Smullen, Shane Carroll, Niall Folan, Luke Loughlin. Subs Used: Adam Price, Cian Quinn, Dean Egerton, Niall O’Doherty, Mark Leavy.
Updated Club Text Message Service
We are continuing with our text message service via TEAMER 51001 which we use to notify members regarding various club activities. If you wish to avail of this service, please text your name and number to 087 8362297.These messages are free to receive and a reply is not required. We currently have over 300 subscribers but would like to extend it further to ensure all our supporters are kept up to date. If you no longer wish to receive these messages then please text STOP with your name and number to 087 8362297. We want to avoid unnecessary duplication where several copies of the one message are going to the same household.
Weekly newsletter email
You can register to receive our free weekly newsletter email at our lotto website – just search for The Downs. The newsletter is sent every Monday night and includes that night’s lotto results and club notes.
Face book you can now keep up to date with the club’s activities on our new FACEBOOK page: and TWITTER @TheDownsGAA.
Mouth Guards
It will be mandatory to use a mouthguard in all football matches and training sessions from January 1st 2013 (for all age grades up to and including minor) and at U21 and Adult level from January 1st 2014. If you opt for a custom fitted mouthguard, Dentist Michael Drury of Mary Street Mullingar (tel 04493 48213) will offer a discount to our players – mouthguards are available in club colours or clear. More information on our website and facebook page.
It will be mandatory to use a mouthguard in all football matches and training sessions from January 1st 2013 (for all age grades up to and including minor) and at U21 and Adult level from January 1st 2014. If you opt for a custom fitted mouthguard, Dentist Michael Drury of Mary Street Mullingar (tel 04493 48213) will offer a discount to our players – mouthguards are available in club colours or clear. More information on our website and facebook page.
Bingo continues every Friday at 8.30, come along and brings a friend for an enjoyable night’s entertainment.
Reminder that a Defibrillator is located at the clubhouse on at the external wall of the entrance porch.
To purchase any club gear contact Carmel at 087 9496347.
Full brochure available on our website and facebook page.
St Stephens Day
Unfortunately due to the inclement weather the football match was postponed
We extend our sympathy to the family, relatives and friends of Kathleen O’Hara, (née Dunne) of Hightown, Coralstown. Nancy Neville, (née Carroll) of Clonmorrill, Delvin.
TAG RUGBY (No contact)
It is planned to hold a trial match and training on Saturday the 5th January, 2013 from 2pm to 3.15 pm at The Downs School. The age groups are U.11(on 31st July, 2013) and U.14 (on 31st July, 2013).for boys and girls. Parental involvement welcome.
The Downs Ladies Football
The Ladies Football are collecting bags of clothes as a fundraiser, so you can now de- clutter and help the club raise funds. Bags of clothes can be left with any team coach or committee member or in The Shop. Please ask family, neighbours, friend and co-workers to fill a bag.