2018 Coaches Forum Workshop
Saturday 3rd February
Clonkeen College
The club is running a workshop for all coaches on Saturday 3rd February @ Clonkeen College, It is imperative that all coaches attend and parents are welcome to attend especially for the talk on positive mental health (section 1) and/or child protection (section 3). There is no cost involved for coaches and parents.
The time table is as follows
Section 1
11am -12pm : Positive Mental Health and Resilience in Teenagers Dr Niall Muldoon (Psychologist & Ombusman for Children) & Dr Yvonne Quinn (Snr clinical psychologist)
Section 2
12.00pm -12.15pm : Introduction to the new executive committee and highlighting roles and responsibilities within the club
Short Break : 12.15 – 12.30
Section 3
12.30 = 12.50 : Child protection, Garda vetting, protocols with dealing with issues and social media forums (Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp)
Section 4
12.50 – 1.30 : Coaching and games development. 200 touches, the key to all training sessions. The focus will be on the structure of your sessions, how to deal with big or small numbers in training and tips on how to deal with over enthusiastic players.